Since 1971 several mathematicians have been working on Wall's conjecture, posed by Wall in a 1971 paper, which said that all finitely generated groups were accessible. Roughly, this means that every finitely generated group can be constructed from finite and one-ended groups via a finite number of amalgamated free products and HNN extensions over finite subgroups. In view of the Stallings theorem about ends of groups, one-ended groups are precisely those finitely generated infinite groups that cannot be decomposed nontrivially as amalgamated products or HNN-extensions over finite subgroups.
Dunwoody proved the Wall conjecture for finitely presented groups in 1985. In 1991 he finally disproved Wall's conjecture by finding a finitely generated group that is not accessible.
By TJ Coles / Grayzone. UK Chief of the General StaffGen ... Col ...Lt. Col ... “You’re more of a hindrance than a help,” says veteran MartinDunwoody, who went to give humanitarian aid but ended up advising the inexperienced combat volunteers he encountered.