The Marlboro Man is a figure used in tobacco advertising campaigns for Marlboro cigarettes. In the United States, where the campaign originated, it was used from 1954 to 1999. The Marlboro Man was first conceived by Leo Burnett in 1954. The images initially featured rugged men portrayed in a variety of roles but later primarily featured a rugged cowboy or cowboys, in nature with a cigarette. The advertisements were originally conceived as a way to popularize filtered cigarettes, which at the time were considered feminine.
The Marlboro advertising campaign, created by Leo Burnett Worldwide, is said to be one of the most brilliant advertisement campaigns of all time. It transformed a feminine campaign, with the slogan "Mild as May", into one that was masculine, in a matter of months. There were many Marlboro Men. The first models were a Navy Lieutenant and Andy Armstrong, the ad agency’s art supervisor. Other early models were sales promotion director of Philip Morris, Robert Larking, and others from the Leo Burnett ad agency, Lee Stanley and Owen Smith. A number of models who have portrayed the Marlboro Man have died of smoking-related diseases.
This tower was raised in the year blank-blank
The year of the crow
The year of our disgrace
I am tucked up here in the shadow of the cross with my ear muffs,
With my quilt and palliase,
Kneeling up but looking down
Like a man at prayer
The Marlboro man
I'm more than content in my snuggery
The Marlboro man
Over there
Over there by my friend the Marlboro man,
Is where I would sit with my morning coffee
Arno's place
It's pinball machine
It's jukebox
The girl with Madonnas face - until she showed her teeth