Mariology is the theological study of Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mariology methodically presents teachings about her to other parts of the faith, such as teachings about Jesus, redemption and grace. Christian Mariology aims to connect scripture, tradition and the teachings of the Church on Mary. In the context of social history, Mariology may be broadly defined as the study of devotion to and thinking about Mary throughout the history of Christianity.
There exist a variety of Christian views on Mary ranging from the focus on Marian veneration in Roman Catholic Mariology to Protestant objections, with Anglican Marian theology in between. As a field of theology, in recent centuries the most substantial developments in Mariology (and the founding of specific centers devoted to its study) have taken place within Roman Catholic Mariology. Eastern Orthodox concepts of Mary have been mostly expressed in liturgy and are not subject to a central dogmatic teaching office.
A significant number of Marian publications were written in the 20th century, with theologists Raimondo Spiazzi and Gabriel Roschini achieving 2500 and 900 publications respectively. In terms of popular following, membership in Roman Catholic Marian Movements and Societies has grown significantly. Ecumenical differences continue to exist in substance and style but are more easily understood because of the existence of Mariology. The Pontifical Academy of Mary and the Pontifical Theological Faculty Marianum are key Mariological centers.
Roman Catholic Mariology is the systematic study of the person of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of her place in the economy of salvation, within the theology of the Catholic Church.
In the Catholic perspective, Mary has a precise place in the plan of salvation and a special place within tradition and devotion. She is seen as having a singular dignity, and receives a higher level of veneration than all other saints. Roman Catholic Mariology thus studies not only her life but also the veneration of her in daily life, prayer, hymns, art (where she has been a favorite topic), music, and architecture in modern and ancient Christianity throughout the ages.
The four dogmas of Perpetual virginity, Mother of God, Immaculate Conception and Assumption form the basis of Mariology. However, a number of other Catholic doctrines about the Virgin Mary have been developed by reference to sacred scripture, theological reasoning and Church tradition. The development of Mariology is ongoing and since the beginnings it has continued to be shaped by theological analyses, writings of saints, and papal statements, e.g. while two Marian dogmas are ancient, the other two were defined in the 19th and 20th centuries; and papal teachings on Mary have continued to appear in recent times.
[R. Iorio]
Siempre ansié cantar
El canto macho nativo de mi nación.
Para enterarte,
Para informarte de que también yo he nacido.
En el terreno del Atlántico a los Andes,
Del verde Chaco a los hielos fueguinos.
Tan solo sueños alocados
De un gringo argentino.
Pampas del Ranquel, sierras del Comechingón.
Sepan que, quien canta lleva en la sangre
La historia final del malón.
Y conoce la moraleja:
El que no coje se deja,
Por eso lo estoy cantando.
Conoce la moraleja:
El que no coje se deja.
El que no coje se deja,
La puta que lo parió..
Por los niños pobres que no tienen hambre,
Por la suerte y las apariciones de la luz mala.
El Cristo salvador, por el diezmo señor.
Aquà sus pecados hemos de salvarle,
Y vengan las cristianias y la gente, muertas de hambre.
Siempre ansié cantar
El canto macho nativo de mi naci¢n.
Para enterarte,
Para informarte de que también yo he nacido.
En el terreno del Atlántico a los Andes,
Del verde Chaco a los hielos fueguinos.
Tan solo sueños alocados
De un gringo argentino.
Pampas del Ranquel, sierras del Comechingón.
Sepan que, quien canta lleva en la sangre
La historia final del malón.
Y conoce la moraleja:
El que no coje se deja,
Por eso lo estoy cantando.
Conoce la moraleja:
El que no coje se deja.
El que no coje se deja,