Marimar, is a Mexican telenovela created by Inés Rodena and produced by Valentín Pimstein and Verónica Pimstein for Televisa in 1994. This based on the radionovela La indomable and at the same time is an adaptation of La indomable produced by Radio Caracas Televisión in 1974.
Thalía and Eduardo Capetillo star as the main protagonists, while Chantal Andere star as the main antagonist.
Marimar is a poor young innocent girl who lives with her grandparents in a hut on the beach by the ocean. She falls in love with Sergio, the son of wealthy farmer Renato Santibáñez. Sergio agrees to marry Marimar despite the disapproval of his father and stepmother, Angélica, but along the way he falls deeply in love with her.
Angélica despises Marimar because of her innocence and her lack of knowledge of the world of high society. Angélica constantly embarrasses Marimar, often diminishing her worth as an individual. Sergio becomes angry and decides to go away and earn money so he can take Marimar away from her father's house, and safe from Angélica's wrath. Angélica tells the police that Marimar stole a bracelet from her, and Marimar is sent to prison. Then Angélica sends one of her servants, Nicandro, to set fire on the humble hut belonging to Marimar's grandparents, which results in their deaths. Angélica forges Sergio's handwriting and writes a fake letter to Marimar stating that he wants nothing more to do with her and that he never loved her. All this, along with the impact of her grandparents’ deaths, changes Marimar and sets her on the road to revenge.
Marimar, costeñita soy
Con mis abuelos crecí yo
En un lindo y cálido mar
Que todito me dió
Cuando al amor me llevó
Marimar, costeñita soy
Cuanto lo quise yo
Por revancha me enamoró
Y el mar que todito me dió
Como ola, se lo llevó
Marimar, Marimar
Cuando manda el corazón
Siempre, siempre manda el amor
Marimar, costeñita soy
Con mis abuelos crecí yo
En un lindo y cálido mar
Que todito, todito me dió
Cuando al amor me llevó
Marimar, costeñita soy
El amor me llevo trás él
Un sueño todito fue
Cuanto mi vida cambió
Cuando el me reconoció