Marginalia (or apostil) are scribbles, comments and illuminations in the margins of a book.
Biblical manuscripts have liturgical notes at the margin, for liturgical use. Numbers of texts' divisions are given at the margin (κεφάλαια, Ammonian Sections, Eusebian Canons). There are some scholia, corrections and other notes usually made later by hand in the margin.
The scholia on classical manuscripts are the earliest known form of marginalia. Fermat's last theorem is the most famous mathematical marginal note. The first recorded use of the word marginalia is in 1819 in Blackwood's Magazine. From 1845 to 1849 Edgar Allan Poe titled some of his reflections and fragmentary material "Marginalia." Five volumes of Samuel T. Coleridge's marginalia have been published. Some famous marginalia were serious works, or drafts thereof, written in margins due to scarcity of paper. Voltaire composed in book margins while in prison, and Sir Walter Raleigh wrote a personal statement in margins just before his execution. Beginning in the 1990s, attempts have been made to design and market e-book devices permitting a limited form of marginalia.
Marginalia is a collection of Fantasy, Horror and Science fiction short stories, essays, biography and poetry by and about the American author H. P. Lovecraft. It was released in 1944 and was the third collection of Lovecraft's work published by Arkham House. 2,035 copies were printed.
The contents of this volume were selected by August Derleth and Donald Wandrei. The dust-jacket art is a reproduction of Virgil Finlay's illustration for Lovecraft's story "The Shunned House."
Marginalia contains the following:
Eu, brasileiro, confesso
Minha culpa, meu pecado
Meu sonho desesperado
Meu bem guardado segredo
Minha aflição
Eu, brasileiro, confesso
Minha culpa, meu degredo
Pão seco de cada dia
Tropical melancolia
Negra solidão
Aqui é o fim do mundo
Aqui é o fim do mundo
Aqui é o fim do mundo
Aqui, o Terceiro Mundo
Pede a bênção e vai dormir
Entre cascatas, palmeiras
Araçás e bananeiras
Ao canto da juriti
Aqui, meu pânico e glória
Aqui, meu laço e cadeia
Conheço bem minha história
Começa na lua cheia
E termina antes do fim
Aqui é o fim do mundo
Aqui é o fim do mundo
Aqui é o fim do mundo
Minha terra tem palmeiras
Onde sopra o vento forte
Da fome, do medo e muito
Principalmente da morte
Olelê, lalá
A bomba explode lá fora
E agora, o que vou temer?
Oh, yes, nós temos banana
Até pra dar e vender
Olelê, lalá
Aqui é o fim do mundo
Aqui é o fim do mundo
Aqui é o fim do mundo