Famous quotes by Margaret Beckett:
"Environmental damage such as graffiti, fly-posting and general littering is a menace that is becoming all too prevalent, not just in inner cities but in many communities - urban and rural."
"It is excellent news that we will soon be able to increase our supplies of home-produced beef."
"Innovation needs to be encouraged so that land managers can seize opportunities related to climate change mitigation and adoption."
"I have to tell you that, sadly, this affectionate greeting contains a virus which has immobilized the House's internal communication system."
"You can almost never say that a particular event is caused by climate change,"
"You couldn't necessarily say, 'That hurricane, that storm, that flood only happened because of climate change,' (but) you're starting to see a pattern of extreme weather events."
"I accept, though it is with hindsight, that this is so,"
"There are some problems remaining but what we have to be wary of is creating further problems ourselves."
"The public utilities and the public services are among the people who have done the most preparatory work."
"[Steadfastly determined to address global warming, the European Union said this week that it will adopt a more flexible approach to the problem for the purpose of gaining allies in the effort, but that a softer approach should not be confused with a softer stance on the issue.] It is not a sign that the European Union is in some way diminishing our strong pursuit of strong action to tackle climate change, ... We have to engage with other players and we cannot simply dictate."