March 29 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Mar. 28 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Mar. 30
All fixed commemorations below are observed on April 11 by Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.
For March 29th, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on March 16.
Martyrs Jonas and Barachisius, and companions, in Persia, under Shapur II (330):(see also: March 28)
Abibus, Zanithas, Elias (Helias), Lazarus, Mares, Maruthas, Narses, Sabbas, Simiathos.
Saint Mark the Confessor, Bishop of Arethusa (364)
Hieromartyr Cyril, Deacon, of Heliopolis, and others, who suffered under Julian the Apostate (364)
Venerable John of Egypt, anchorite (4th century)
Saint Diadochos of Photiki, Bishop of Photike in Old Epirus, whose works are included in the Philokalia (ca. 486)
Venerable Hesychios the Sinaite, Abbot of Saint Catherine's Monastery at Mount Sinai (7th century)
Saint Eustathius the Confessor, Bishop of Kios in Bithynia (9th century)
Pre-Schism Western saints
Martyr Secundus of Asti, a noble from Asti in Piedmont in Italy and an officer in the imperial army, beheaded in Asti under Hadrian (119)