March 19 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
Mar. 18 - Eastern Orthodox Church calendar - Mar. 20
All fixed commemorations below are observed on April 1 by Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.
For March 19th, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on March 6.
Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria, and those with them in Rome (283):
Claudius the Tribune, his wife Hilaria, their sons Jason and Maurus, the priest Diodorus, and the deacon Marianus.
Martyr Pancharius at Nicomedia (302)
Pre-Schism Western saints
Saints Quintus, Quintilla, Quartilla, Mark and Companions, martyrs venerated in Sorrento near Naples in Italy.
Saints Apollonius and Leontius (Leontinus), by tradition early Bishops of Braga in Portugal (4th century)
Saint Auxilius, a companion of St Patrick, became Bishop of Killossey (near Naas, County Kildare) in Ireland (c. 460)
Saint John the Syrian of Pinna, a Syrian monk who settled in Pinna near Spoleto in Italy, became abbot of a large monastic colony there for forty-four years (6th century).