Kusari-fundo (鎖分銅) is a hand held weapon used in feudal Japan, consisting of a length of chain (kusari) with a weight (fundo) attached to each end of the chain. Various sizes and shapes of chain and weight were used as there was no set rule on the construction of these weapons. Other popular names are manrikigusari (萬力鏈) ("ten thousand power chain") or just manriki.
Typically the length of the forged chain could vary from around 12 inches (30 cm) up to 48 inches (120 cm). The chain links could have many different shapes including round, elliptical, and egg-shaped. The thickness of the chain also varied. Usually the first link of chain attached to the weight was round and often larger and thicker than the rest of the links of the chain.
The weight attached to each end of the chain could have many different sizes and shapes. The weights were usually exactly matched in size and shape. On some of the related chain and weight weapons the weights could be completely different from each other, with one weight being much longer than the other like a handle on one end, or one weight could be round while the other weight could be rectangular. Weight shapes include round, hexagonal, or rectangular. The weight could be fairly light or quite heavy with the typical weight being from 2 ounces (56 grams) to 4 ounces (112 grams).
Ich bin geil!
Every time I walk down the street - Erection
When I see a woman that I'd like to beat - Erection
When I think of blood I think of love - Erection
When I think of blood I think of love - Erection
Oh, I got Erection
Oh, I got Erection
Oh, I got Erection
Oh, I got Erection
When I set a house on fire - Erection
Once a liver, now she's a dier - Erection
When I dig a hole in the ground - Erection
When I hear that death punk sound- Erection
Oh, I got Erection
Oh, I got Erection
Oh, I got Erection