Mano may refer to:
Mano Maritime was founded by the Israeli entrepreneur Moshe Mano, and is a subsidiary of the Mano Holdings Group. It engages in a wide range of shipping activities, including various types of cargo ships, passengers ships and other services. Mano Maritime ranks among Dun’s top 100 companies in Israel. Moshe Mano is the founder, owner, chairman and president of the company.
Moshe’s father, Mordechai Mano, immigrated to Israel in the 1930s along with a group of pioneers who built the Port of Haifa. Abba Hushi, then chairman of the Haifa Workers Council, traveled to Thessaloniki with the aim of motivating Jewish workers to immigrate to what was then the British mandate of Palestine. Among the 100 households that agreed to take the step were members of the Mano family, including Moshe Mano’s father, Mordechai, who was then nine years old. Mordechai became a pioneer in Israeli shipping from the 1940s, and was well known in the shipping industry both in Israel and worldwide.
A mano (Spanish for hand) is a ground stone tool used with a metate to process or grind food by hand.
Manos were used in prehistoric times to process wild seeds, nuts and other food, generally used with greater frequency in the Archaic period, when people became more reliant upon local wild plant food for their diet. Later, manos and metates were used to process cultivated maize.
In its early use in the American Southwest, the mano and metate were used to grind wild plants. The mano began as a one-handed tool and once cultivation of maize became more prevalent, the mano became a larger, two-handed tool that more efficiently ground food against an evolved basin or trough metate.
Besides food, manos and metates were used to separate and pulverize clay from earthen debris and stones. The resulting clay was used for pottery-making.
A mano, a smooth hand-held stone, is used against a metate, typically a large stone with a depression or bowl. The movement of the mano against the metate consists of a circular, rocking or chopping grinding motion using one or both hands.
Ga niet meer weg weg by Mano [Junior Songfestival 2010]
Ohoho ohohoho
Vandaag is de dag, je bent weer bij mij
Ik heb je zolang niet gezien
Wat ging die tijd toch langzaam voorbij
Blijf je nu bij mij misschien?
Ga niet meer weg weg
Ga niet meer weg weg
Laat mij niet alleen
Ga niet meer weg weg
Ga niet meer weg weg
Of neem me dan mee
Nee ik kan niet zonder jou
Ohoho ohohoho, nee ik kan niet zonder jou
Ohoho ohohoho, nee ik kan niet zonder jou
Sinds je weg bent is niks meer hetzelfde
Blijf je nu langer bij mij?
Ga niet meer weg weg
Ga niet meer weg weg
Laat mij niet alleen
Ga niet meer weg weg
Ga niet meer weg weg
Of neem me dan mee
Nee ik kan niet zonder jou
Alles wat ik altijd wou
Dat vind ik terug bij jou
Blijven we samen babe?
Je bent mijn nummer 1
Ik kan niet zonder jou
Dus blijf je bij me nou?
Laat me niet alleen
Ohoho ohohoho, nee ik kan niet zonder jou
Ga niet meer weg weg
Ga niet meer weg weg
Laat mij niet alleen
Ga niet meer weg weg
Ga niet meer weg weg
Of neem me dan mee
Nee ik kan niet zonder jou