Mandriva Linux
Mandriva Linux (a fusion of the French distribution Mandrakelinux or Mandrake Linux and the Brazilian distribution Conectiva Linux) is a Linux distribution by Mandriva. It uses the RPM Package Manager.
Each release lifetime is 18 months for base updates (Linux, system software, etc.) and 12 months for desktop updates (window managers, desktop environments, web browsers, etc.). Server products receive full updates for at least 5 years after their release.
The last release of Mandriva Linux was in August 2011. Most developers who were laid off went to Mageia.
In May 2015, Mandriva went into administration; as of the 27th of May the organisation website was offline.
The first release was based on Red Hat Linux (version 5.1) and K Desktop Environment 1 in July 1998. It has since moved away from Red Hat's distribution and has become a completely separate distribution in its own right. Mandriva now includes a number of original tools, mostly to ease system configuration. Mandriva Linux is the brainchild of Gaël Duval, who wanted to focus on ease of use for new users.