
Malakos μαλακός means "soft" in Greek.

  • Malakia "softness" is the Classical Greek term for effeminacy.
  • Malakas, "Adam" in the Philippine mythology.
  • "Malacology" is the study of the invertebrate phylumMollusca” which are “soft bodied” animals, although most also have shells. It would not be the equivalent of Conchology since that word refers to the shell (conch) rather than the soft tissues.
    • There is a Greek scientific “Malacological” journal which bears the name “Malakos”. There are also several shell collector websites which bear this name, one in Greece, and other in Spain.
  • There is a Greek scientific “Malacological” journal which bears the name “Malakos”. There are also several shell collector websites which bear this name, one in Greece, and other in Spain.
  • See also

  • Malacus (disambiguation)
  • Podcasts:


    My Legacy

    by: Lil' Wayne

    Okk look I am legacy right I know from the back that's a little gay brahh but that's the way it is buut fkk it that's the way it is cuzzz -more comming soon-
