
The Mahavamsa ("Great Chronicle", Pali Mahāvaṃsa)(5th century CE) is a historical book written in Pali of the Kings of Sri Lanka. The first version of it covered the period from the coming of Prince Vijaya from India in 543 BCE to the reign of Mahasena of Anuradhapura (277-304).

The first printed edition and English translation of the Mahavamsa was published in 1837 by George Turnour, an historian and officer of the Ceylon Civil Service. A German translation of Mahavamsa was completed by Wilhelm Geiger in 1912. This was then translated into English by Mabel Haynes Bode, and revised by Geiger.


While not considered a canonical religious text, the Mahavamsa is an important text in Theravada Buddhism. It covers the early history of religion in Sri Lanka, beginning with the time of Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism. It also briefly recounts the history of Buddhism in India, from the date of the Buddha's death to the 3rd Buddhist councils where the Dharma was reviewed. Every chapter of the Mahavamsa ends by stating that it is written for the "serene joy of the pious". From the emphasis of its point-of-view, it can be said/ to have been compiled to record the good deeds of the kings who were patrons of the Anuradhapura Maha Viharaya.

