Maharana (महाराना) is a variation on the Indian (mainly Hindu) royal title Maharaja, also meaning 'Great king' in Hindi. It is composed of Maha- 'great' and the royal title Rana, a variation on Raja.
Maharana, also Moharana, is also the name of the caste of carpenters, goldsmiths and some artists in the Indian state of Orissa. It could be seen in the surnames (family name or last name) of the people belonging to this caste. Vishwakarma or Badhai are known alternates to the above.
Ruler title in British India
Salute states (all in present India)
The gun salutes enjoyed by the states that acceded to the Dominion of India on 14 August 1947, included the following Maharanas:
Hereditary salute of 19-guns (21-guns local): H.H. the Maharana of Udaipur (Mewar)
Hereditary salute of 13-guns H.H. The Maharana of Rajpipla
Hereditary salute of 11-guns: H.H. the Maharana of Barwani
Hereditary salutes of 9-guns:
The Maharana of Danta
The Maharana of Wadhwan
The Maharana of Sant
Some of the rulers were granted increased gun salutes after the independence, e.g. the above-listed Maharana of Mewar (Hindu; at Udaipur, Maharajpramukh in Rajasthan) was raised to first place in the Order of Precedence, displacing the Nizam of Hyderabad and Berar (Muslim), and all 9-gun states were permitted the use of the style of Highness.