
Khufu (/ˈkf/ KOO-foo), originally Khnum-Khufu (/ˈknmˈkf/ KNOOM-koo-foo), is the birth name of a Fourth Dynasty ancient Egyptian pharaoh, who ruled in the first half of the Old Kingdom period (26th century BC). Khufu was the second pharaoh of the 4th dynasty; he followed his possible father, king Sneferu, on the throne. He is generally accepted as having commissioned the Great Pyramid of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, but many other aspects of his reign are rather poorly documented.

Khufu is well known under his Hellenized name Khêops or Cheops (/ˈkɒps/, KEE-ops; Greek: Χέοψ, by Diodorus and Herodotus) and less well known under another Hellenized name, Súphis (/ˈsfs/ SOO-fis; Greek: Σοῦφις, by Manetho). A rare version of the name of Khufu, used by Josephus, is Sofe (/ˈsɒf/ SO-fe; Greek: Σοφε).Arab historians, who wrote mystic stories about Khufu and the Giza pyramids, called him Saurid or Salhuk.

The only completely preserved portrait of the king is a three-inch high ivory figurine found in a temple ruin of later period at Abydos in 1903. All other reliefs and statues were found in fragments and many buildings of Khufu are lost. Everything known about Khufu comes from inscriptions in his necropolis at Giza and later documents. For example, Khufu is the main actor of the famous Papyrus Westcar from the 13th dynasty.


Magik may refer to:

  • Magik (programming language)
  • Magik (comics), an alias also used by Marvel Comics character Illyana Rasputin (and also by Amanda Sefton)
  • Magik (Illyana and Storm), a four-issue comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics in 1983–1984
  • Magik (rapper), a Polish rapper
  • Magik One: First Flight, the first in a series of seven albums by DJ Tiësto
  • Magik Markers, a rock band from Hartford, Connecticut
  • Magik (film), an upcoming film
  • Magik (series), a trance mix-compilation series by Tiësto
  • See also

  • Magic (disambiguation)
  • All pages beginning with "Magik"
  • Magik (Illyana and Storm)

    Magik was a four-issue comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics in 19831984, starring the fictional characters Magik and Storm. The series title is consistently displayed on the covers as Storm and Illyana: Magik, but the official title as listed in the indicia is the reverse: Magik: Illyana and Storm. It was written by Chris Claremont and illustrated by John Buscema, Ron Frenz, Sal Buscema, and Tom Palmer.


    Because of the popularity of the Uncanny X-Men during the 1980s under Chris Claremont, a number of mutant related properties were created, most notably The New Mutants from which this series spun off of.


    The main plot takes place in mere seconds of canonical Marvel time, but covers seven years of Illyana's life in Limbo. The events occur between panels of The Uncanny X-Men #160 (August '82), with a very brief cameo in The New Mutants #14 (April '84). In X-Men #160 Illyana is kidnapped by Belasco at age 6 and returns in the same issue at age 13.

    Magik (programming language)

    Magik is an object-oriented programming language that supports multiple inheritance, polymorphism and is dynamically typed. It was designed implemented in 1989 by Arthur Chance, of Smallworld Systems Ltd, as part of Smallworld Geographical Information System (GIS). Following Smallworld's acquisition in 2000, Magik is now is provided by GE Energy, still as part of its Smallworld technology platform.

    Magik (Inspirational Magik) was originally introduced in 1990 and has been improved and updated over the years. Its current version is 4.0 or Magik SF (Small Footprint).

    In July 2012, Magik developers announced that they were in the process of porting Magik language on the Java virtual machine. The successful porting was confirmed by Oracle Corporation in November of the same year.

    Similarities with Smalltalk

    Magik itself shares some similarities with Smalltalk in terms of its language features and its architecture: the Magik language is compiled into byte codes interpreted by the Magik virtual machine. The Magik virtual machine is available on several platforms including Microsoft Windows, various flavours of Unix and Linux.

