Boogie Nights is a 1997 American drama film written, produced and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. It is set in Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley and focuses on a young nightclub dishwasher, who becomes a popular star of pornographic films, chronicling his rise in the Golden Age of Porn of the 1970s through to his fall during the excesses of the '80s. The film is an expansion of Anderson's mockumentary short film The Dirk Diggler Story (1988).
It stars Mark Wahlberg, Julianne Moore, Burt Reynolds, Don Cheadle, John C. Reilly, William H. Macy and Heather Graham. Robert Elswit served as cinematographer, Michael Penn composed the score and Dylan Tichenor edited the film. Leonardo DiCaprio was originally considered for the role of Eddie Adams, but was replaced by Wahlberg.
The film was released on October 10, 1997 and garnered critical acclaim. Many critics compared the film's style to the work of Robert Altman. It was also nominated for three Academy Awards, including Best Original Screenplay for Anderson, Best Supporting Actress for Moore and Best Supporting Actor for Reynolds. The film's soundtrack also received acclaim.
There's a highway washed in brightness with skies of indigo
The desert whispers what she knows
Neruda on the dashboard & the engine's humming true
The rearview held a harvest moon
Faith is a throw of dice and the sleeping heart is stirred
After ragged sentences you'll get the last word
And it may just be the most golden that we've heard
It may just be the most golden that we've heard
Afternoons of red wine with a nod to revelry
The stars came out for you & me
All that remains unanswered and all there's to forget
The best, it hasn't happened yet
There are songs for the beginning and songs made for the end
And songs made for when you begin again
Grieving? She rolls in like waves and hardly ever stops