Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim Part of a series on Shia Islam

The Fourteen Infallibles

Muhammad · Fatimah · and
The Twelve Imams:
Ali · Hasan · Husayn
al-Sajjad · al-Baqir · al-Sadiq
al-Kadhim · al-Rida · al-Taqi
al-Naqi · al-Askari · al-Mahdi


Fourteen Infallibles
Occultation (Minor · Major)
Akhbar · Usul · Ijtihad
Taqleed · 'Aql · Irfan


Judgement Day · Justice
Prophethood · Imamate


Prayer · Fasting · Pilgrimage
Charity · Taxes · Jihad
Command Justice · Forbid Evil
Love the family of Muhammad
Dissociate from their Enemies

Holy cities

Mecca · Medina
Najaf · Karbala · Mashhad
Samarra · Kadhimayn · Qom · Shiraz


Usuli · Akhbari · Shaykhi
Nimatullahi · Safaviya
Qizilbash · Alevism · Alawism
Bektashi · Tabarie


Marja · Hawza  · Ayatollah · Allamah
Hojatoleslam · Mujtahid
List of marjas · List of Ayatollahs

Hadith collections

Peak of Eloquence · The Psalms of Islam · Book of Fundamentals · The Book in Scholar's Lieu · Civilization of Laws · The Certainty · Book of Sulaym ibn Qays · Oceans of Light · Wasael ush-Shia · Reality of Certainty · Keys of Paradise

Related topics


Mafatih al-Jinan (Keys to Heavens) by Shaikh Abbass Qumi is a Twelver Shi'a compilation of selected chapters (surahs) from Quran, Taaqeebat e namaz (acts of worship after namaz), supplications narrated from the Ahle bayt and text of Ziyarats.

Mafatih al-Jinan contains some of the richest and most reliable duas (supplications) and verses from the vast Twelver literature and its collection (authenticity of scripts) is reliable & its compilation has been highly approved by Shi'a clerics throughout the last century.

The book is widely popular in the Twelver world and almost every Shia household in Iran possesses a copy of it.

It is widely available at Shi'a shrines in much of Iran & Iraq as it contains acts of prayers and texts of supplications and invocations which hold a prominent place in the Twelver Shi'a form of worship.

The book was originally in Persian translation & commentary accompanied with Arabic text, but later on was translated into many major languages, such as Urdu, English and Hindi.

See also [link]

A`amaal Ummi Dawud

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