Survivor is an American reality television show, based on the Swedish program, Expedition Robinson. Contestants are referred to as "castaways", and they compete against one another to become the "Sole Survivor" and win one million U.S. dollars. First airing in 2000, there have been a total of thirty-one seasons, which have been filmed on five different continents. The current season, Survivor: Kaôh Rōng, will premiere on February 17, 2016.
Contestants usually apply to be on the show, but the series has been known to recruit contestants for various seasons. For Survivor: Fiji, the producers had hoped to have a more racially diverse cast, and hoped that a more diverse group would apply after the success of the racially segregated Survivor: Cook Islands. When this did not happen, the producers turned to recruiting and in the end, only one contestant had actually submitted an application to be on the show. For the most part, contestants are virtually unknown prior to their Survivor appearance, but occasionally some well-known people are cast.
Mad dog is a popular term for a dog infected with rabies. It also may refer to:
Mad Dog is the fourth solo studio album by John Entwistle, and his last for six years, who was the bassist for The Who. and the debut album by John Entwistle's Ox.
Mad Dog didn't generate much interest, either in sales or among fans, in what sounded like and is often referred as to by fans as "The Son of" Rigor Mortis a second volume of Rock & Roll pastiches rubbing shoulders with items of dubious taste.
His next solo album Too Late the Hero would become his most successful while Mad Dog was his least successful solo album until the release of The Rock.
The song "Cell Number 7", (which is a close relation to The Who's "Long Live Rock") detailed The Who's then recent brush with Canadian justice in 1974 after a hotel wrecking spree in Montreal while on their Quadrophenia tour.
AllMusic said that the album "Is enjoyable in short bursts, but it also makes a good case for the conventional wisdom that even the best bass players are only so-so as band leaders.",Allmusic also said that "He can't seem to tell his good jokes from the ones that sink without a trace, he sets his best songs right beside numbers that would have been best left in the rehearsal space, and for a guy who was one-third of England's greatest power trio (plus vocalist), he doesn't always know what to do with a large band."
Don't need a credit card to make my charge complete
Don't want you on your back I just got on my feet
Don't want the same boy another time
Don't bother making love don't want to make you mine
Don't need this anymore?
I want to get you down
Don't need this anymore?
I want to
Be myself, gonna get in your way, yeah
Be myself, gonna get it under
Be myself, gonna get in your way, yeah
Be myself, you're the one
You're the one, last one...
Please yourself
You gotta be yourself
You gotta check yourself
Don't forget yourself
Don't need a credit card to make my charge complete
Don't want you on your back I just got on my feet
Don't want the same boy another time
Don't bother making love don't want to make you mine
You know I'm waiting for my man
Just because I can
You know I'm waiting another time