Macrocosm and microcosm is an ancient Greek Neo-Platonic schema of seeing the same patterns reproduced in all levels of the cosmos, from the largest scale (macrocosm or universe-level) all the way down to the smallest scale (microcosm or sub-sub-atomic or even metaphysical-level). In the system the midpoint is Man, who summarizes the cosmos.
Macrocosm/microcosm is a Greek compound of μακρο- macro- and μικρο- micro-, which are Greek respectively for "large" and "small", and the word κόσμος kósmos which means "order" as well as "world" or "ordered world."
Today, the concept of microcosm has been dominated by sociology to mean a small group of individuals whose behavior is typical of a larger social body encompassing it. A microcosm can be seen as a special kind of epitome. Conversely, a macrocosm is a social body made of smaller compounds.
Macrocosm is the seventh studio album by the German electronic composer Peter Frohmader, released in 1990 by Cuneiform Records.
All music composed by Peter Frohmader.
Adapted from the Macrocosm liner notes.
"Macrocosm" is the 54th episode of Star Trek: Voyager, the 12th episode of the third season. The title borrows the philosophical term macrocosm, definable as a larger world that mirrors what exists in a miniature world, or microcosm.
Captain Janeway and Neelix return to Voyager after completing a trade mission with the Tak Tak race, but find the ship adrift with no signs of life but no apparent damage. Aboard, they investigate the empty ship when Neelix is sprayed with a mucilaginous liquid by an unseen creature, leaving him faint and weak. When Janeway goes to locate medical supplies, Neelix is abducted by an unknown life form. She makes her way to the bridge to send out a distress signal and assess the situation, but is bitten by a flying insect-like creature while there. She locates the crew lying unconscious in the mess hall, with strange growths on their necks that allow more of the insect creatures to emerge. She is attacked by a human-size version of the insects, but is able to make her way to sickbay.
Nothing now but cages and railings
All topped with barbs
Even the weather's apologetic
Sees no rhyme or reason
All exits barred now
Love left lonely, gave way to the grave
Left my smile somewhere on the journey between that and loss
The walls of another god's house encrusted in mould
Sewage poured from ceiling, damp liquefied floor
A building devoid of use, now
A weather beaten grave
Untended, no longer remembered
By those who left the queue
For mourning
Merrily kicking the skulls of ex-deities
Through the ex-halo hoops of toes up ex-angels
More trophy heads for my walls
No more crying about heaven or a lack of it
No more to be found wanting
Hoping for a safety net
My lake of passion still edged with rust
Her waters fouled by the corpse of lust
So, I dug the last few feet of the six myself
All too eager to taste the dust
I laughed as I threw the first handful of earth
I smiled as I watched the topsoil spread
Autumn she sprang over summer into winter
All was lost.
All is lost.
So much more snow than sunbeams these days
What once was?
What once was.
The cold she marched through the rain
Past the corpse of rebirth
Blacked out the sun's last refrain