MacVector is a commercial sequence analysis application for Apple Macintosh computers running Mac OS X. It is intended to be used by molecular biologists to help analyze, design, research and document their experiments in the laboratory.
MacVector is a collection of sequence analysis algorithms linked to various sequence editors, including a single sequence editor, a multiple sequence alignment editor and a contig editor. MacVector tries to use a minimum of windows and steps to access all the functionality. Functions include:
Sequence alignment (ClustalW, Muscle and T-Coffee) and editing.
Subsequence search and open reading frames (ORFs) analysis.
Phylogenetic tree construction UPGMA, Neighbour joining with bootstrapping and consensus trees
Online Database searching - Search public databases at the NCBI such as Genbank, PubMed, and UniProt.
Perform online BLAST searches.
Protein analysis.
Contig assembly and chromatogram editing
Aligning cDNA against genomic templates