Serial ATA (SATA, abbreviated from Serial AT Attachment) is a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives, optical drives, and solid-state drives. Serial ATA succeeded the older Parallel ATA (PATA) standard, offering several advantages over the older interface: reduced cable size and cost (seven conductors instead of 40 or 80), native hot swapping, faster data transfer through higher signaling rates, and more efficient transfer through an (optional) I/O queuing protocol.
SATA host adapters and devices communicate via a high-speed serial cable over two pairs of conductors. In contrast, parallel ATA (the redesignation for the legacy ATA specifications) used a 16-bit wide data bus with many additional support and control signals, all operating at much lower frequency. To ensure backward compatibility with legacy ATA software and applications, SATA uses the same basic ATA and ATAPI command sets as legacy ATA devices.
SATA has replaced parallel ATA in consumer desktop and laptop computers, and has largely replaced PATA in new embedded applications. SATA's market share in the desktop PC market was 99% in 2008. PATA remains widely used in industrial and embedded applications that use CompactFlash (CF) storage, which is designed around the legacy PATA standard, even though the new CFast standard is based on SATA.
I promised you delight and heaven opens
come wage my holy war
where every thought is sin
i've been meaning to remove my baby skin tattoo
and i meant to be more kind
well maybe next time
if you come my way
if you come my way
if you come my way
we might feel the same
consequence of rage
if you come my way
i caught you on your knees
my words aren't wasted
you'd love to be realeased without tasting it
ands it's only if you bought what i have sold you
and if everything is fine well maybe next time
and if we go quiet if we can slip through
if i could only think only go unnoticed
if we hide the anger smolder inside
wait my time so quiet
changed my face again so you'll forget me
purified the skin is just a covering
i've been meaning to remove my baby skin tattoo
and i meant to be more kind
and maybe next time
i'll be a friend
and next time they'll be the enemy
and you might find
what you might find