MKB Raduga (Russian: МКБ Радуга, meaning Raduga Design Bureau, where raduga literally means "rainbow") is a Russian aerospace company, concerned with the production of various missile systems and related technologies. It is headquartered in Dubna in the Moscow Oblast. It was formerly a division of the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau, before being spun off as a separate OKB (design bureau) in March 1957.
- October 1946 - OKB-2
- 12 October 1951 - division of OKB-155-1 (headed by M.I.Gurevich)
- March 1957 - A.Ya.Bereznyak became the chief designer
- June 1965 - machine building design bureau "Raduga"
- 19 June 1972 - Dubna production and development amalgamation "Raduga"
- 7 September 1978 - Dubna production amalgamation "Raduga"
- 12 May 1982 - machine building design bureau "Raduga"
- Kh-15 (AS-16 "Kickback")) - hypersonic aeroballistic short-range attack missile, using liquid-fuel rocket propulsion. Tu-22M2,M3, Tu-95MS. First missiles were built in 1978. Serial production in mid-1980s.
- Kh-20 (AS-3 "Kangaroo") - air-launched cruise missile, Tu-95K. Development of "K-20 system" (consisting of Kh-20 missile, Tu-95K carrier, etc.) was authorized 11 March 1954.
- Kh-20M (AS-3 "Kangaroo") - Kh-20 with improved thermo-nuclear warhead. K-20 has officially entered service 9 September 1960. Retired in 1991 due to SALT-1 agreement.
- Kh-22 (AS-4 "Kitchen") - anti-ship missile, Tu-22K, Tu-22M, Tu-95K-22. Development of "missile complex K-22" was authorized 15 April 1958. Officially entered service 9 February 1971. K-95-22 (with Tu-95K-22 aircraft) entered service in 1987.
- Kh-28 (AS-9 "Kyle") - anti-radar missile
- Kh-45, - Sukhoi T-4, Sukhoi T-4MS
- Kh-55 Granat (AS-15 "Kent") - cruise missile, 1976, Tu-95MS, Tu-160. Development was authorized 8 December 1976. The first serial Kh-55 was launched 23 February 1981. Officially entered service (complex of Kh-55 and Tu-95MS) 31 December 1983.
- Kh-58 (AS-11 "Kilter") - anti-radar missile
- Kh-59 Ovod (AS-13 "Kingbolt") - tactical air-to-surface TV-guided missile
- Kh-59M Ovod-M (AS-18 "Kazoo") -
- Kh-2000, - Sukhoi T-4, Sukhoi T-4MS
- MV-1 - target drone
- KSR-5-NM - target drone
- Burlak, Burlak-M air-launched spacecraft launcher, Tu-160SK