MKB Raduga (Russian: МКБ Радуга, meaning Raduga Design Bureau, where raduga literally means "rainbow") is a Russian aerospace company, concerned with the production of various missile systems and related technologies. It is headquartered in Dubna in the Moscow Oblast. It was formerly a division of the Mikoyan-Gurevich design bureau, before being spun off as a separate OKB (design bureau) in March 1957.


History [link]

  • October 1946 - OKB-2
  • 12 October 1951 - division of OKB-155-1 (headed by M.I.Gurevich)
  • March 1957 - A.Ya.Bereznyak became the chief designer
  • June 1965 - machine building design bureau "Raduga"
  • 19 June 1972 - Dubna production and development amalgamation "Raduga"
  • 7 September 1978 - Dubna production amalgamation "Raduga"
  • 12 May 1982 - machine building design bureau "Raduga"

Products [link]

Kometa series [link]

Naval P-Series [link]

Kh/KSR airborne series [link]

Others [link]

  • MV-1 - target drone
  • KSR-5-NM - target drone
  • Burlak, Burlak-M air-launched spacecraft launcher, Tu-160SK

See also [link]

External links [link]

