Multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle

A multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) is a ballistic missile payload containing several warheads, each capable of being aimed to hit one of a group of targets. By contrast a unitary warhead is a single warhead on a single missile. An intermediate case is the multiple reentry vehicle (MRV) missile which carries several warheads which are dispersed but not individually aimed. Only the United States (1970), Russia (1975), Britain (1979), France (1985), China (2007) are known to have developed MIRV missiles.


The military purpose of a MIRV is fourfold:

  • Enhance first strike proficiency for strategic forces.
  • Providing greater target damage for a given thermonuclear weapon payload. Several small warheads cause much more target damage area than a single warhead alone. This in turn reduces the number of missiles and launch facilities required for a given destruction level - much the same as the purpose of a cluster munition.
  • Podcasts:



    Cup Of Coffee

    by: M.i.r.v.

    Danny Weedsmoke went to Woolworth's
    Got his picture on a t-shirt
    Simple pleasures fill his heart with
    With a hole in his cap bill
    Pipe attached to get his lungs full
    Doubles on his pose as he says 'cheese'
    'No flashes on stage if you please'
    Under the big top it's a three ring circus
    With revolving casts of characters
    Enjoy the tate of pink popcorn
    Mixed with the smell of dung
    Just like a cup of coffee
    Bitter yet satisfying
    I know when my time comes
    I hope to say... It was a hell of a ride
    Charles so careful picks his poison
    Just like Cy Young's bag of rosin
    A better friend I'm sure I'll never meet
    "Here's to you and here's to me
    Hope we never disagree
    If we do, screw you and here's to me"
