MDL may mean:
MDL (the MIT Design Language) is a descendant of the Lisp programming language. Its initial purpose was to provide high level language support for the Dynamic Modeling Group at MIT's Project MAC. It was initially developed in 1971 on the PDP-10 computer under the Incompatible Timesharing System. The initial development team consisted of Gerald Sussman and Carl Hewitt of the Artificial Intelligence Lab, and Chris Reeve, Bruce Daniels, and David Cressey of the Dynamic Modeling Group. Later, Stu Galley, also of the Dynamic Modeling Group, wrote the MDL documentation.
MDL was initially known as “Muddle”. This style of self-deprecating humor was not widely understood or appreciated outside of Project MAC and a few other early citadels of information technology. So the name was sanitized to MDL.
MDL provides several enhancements to classical Lisp. It supports several built-in data types, including lists, strings and arrays, and user-defined data types. It offers multithreaded expression evaluation and coroutines. Variables can carry both a local value within a scope, and a global value, for passing data between scopes. Advanced built-in functions supported interactive debugging of MDL programs, incremental development, and reconstruction of source programs from object programs.
Suritozole (MDL 26,479) is an investigational cognition enhancer. It acts as a partial inverse agonist at the benzodiazepine receptor site on the GABAA ion channel complex, but does not have either anxiogenic or convulsant effects, unlike other BZD inverse agonists such as DMCM. It was investigated for the treatment of depression and Alzheimer's disease, but clinical development seems to have been discontinued.
Oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh...
Una intoxicación llena mi cuerpo mas y mas
Voy fuera de control viajando en espiral
Quiero encontré tu cuerpo entre las sombras y esperar
Que me eleves mas
Mucho mas
Y es que no quiero perderte
Entre la vida y la muerte
Entre el amor y la suerte
Gravitaremos por siempre si...
Senti tu aliento cerca
Y no me pude controlar
Abri la puerta y nunca supe regresar
Nos convertimos juntos en esferas de cristal
Y nos fuimos flotando hacia el mar
Y es que no quiero perderte
Entre la vida y la muerte
Entre el amor y la suerte
Gravitaremos por siempre si
Y es que no quiero perderte
Entre la vida y la muerte
Entre el amor y la suerte
Gravitaremos por siempre si...
Así si oh oh...
Oh oh
Oh oh...
Y es que no quiero perderte
Entre la vida y la muerte
Entre el amor y la suerte
Gravitaremos por siempre si...
Y es que no quiero perderte
Entre la vida y la muerte
Entre el amor y la suerte
Gravitaremos por siempre si...
Así si oh oh...
Oh oh...
Y es que no quiere perderte
Oh oh oh...
Entre el amor y la suerte