Manual command to line of sight (MCLOS) is a method for guiding guided missiles.
With an MCLOS missile, the operator must track the missile and the target simultaneously and guide the missile to the target. Typically the missile is steered with a joystick, and its path is observed through a periscope-type telescopic sight. The missiles are usually equipped with a magnesium flare in the base that automatically ignites upon launch and allows the gunner to visually track the fast-moving missile in a manner similar in concept to a tracer bullet.
MCLOS requires considerable training and practice to master, since even a minor disruption in the gunner's concentration would likely cause a miss. These guidance systems have marginal accuracy on tank-sized targets, even with perfect line-of-sight by the gunner, due to erratic flight paths requiring timely manual corrections. As demonstrated by the Israeli Army under fire from Soviet-armed Arab states, responding to the distinctive smoke puff of a missile launch with rapid manoeuvres and immediate counter-fire minimizes their accuracy, as very few ATGM gunners maintain their concentration on a fast-moving tank for the entire flight time of the missile while under suppressing fire.
I've been in love with love and the idea of
something binding us together,
you know that love is strong enough,
And I've seen time tell tales of that
systematic drug, yeah that
heart that beats as one,
it's collectively, unconciously composed,
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Well I lost my head in San Francisco,
waiting for the fog to roll out,
but I found it in a raincloud,
it was smilin' down
Do you feel the love?
I feel the love
C'mon, c'mon let's start it up,
Let it pour out of your soul
I've been in love with love and the idea of,
something binding us together,
you know that love is strong enough,
And I've seen time tell tales about that,
systematic drug, yeah that heart that beats as one,
it's collectively, unconciously composed
Do you feel the love?
I feel the love,
C'mon, c'mon let's start it up,
let it pour out of your soul
Do you feel the love?
I feel the love,
C'mon, c'mon let's start it up,
let it pour out of your soul
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo