MAD Movie
A MAD Movie (MADムービー, Maddo Mūbī) (ミュージックアニメ動画, Music Anime Dōga, litt. Anime Music Video) is a Japanese fan-made video, much like an anime music video (AMV), that generally originate from the Japanese website NicoNico. MAD can also describe the Japanese AMV community, although they can be anything from audio clips, edited pictures, to wholly original creations. MADs do not necessarily even need to be related to anime, though the more popular ones typically are. The term MAD (occasionally M@D) is thought to be a reference to the name of one of the original MADs, rather than a particular acronym for anything.
Today the word MAD stipulates an edited video or tape made as a parody from dōjin circles. However, the true origin of this word comes from the Osaka University of Arts and Music. Around 1978, two members, Mr. Shimagawa and Mr. Y, of the group CAS began making medleys of anime and sentai show songs with guitars. After a while, they decided to try and use their recordings as the actual background music for the shows. After this initial test, they eventually went into the realm of parody. Thus, the MAD was born.