
Lâm is a Vietnamese surname. The name is transliterated as Lin in Chinese and Im in Korean.

Lam is the anglicized variation of the surname Lâm.

Notable people with the surname Lâm

  • Lam Nguon Tanh (Lâm Ngươn Tánh), Chief of Naval Operations of the Republic of Vietnam Navy during the Vietnam War
  • Thích Quảng Đức (born Lâm Văn Tức), ahayana Buddhist monk who burned himself to death at a busy Saigon road intersection on 11 June 1963
  • Lam Nhat Tien, Vietnamese American singer.\
  • Lam Quang Thi, senior military officer in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam during the Vietnam War
  • Lam Quang My, Polish-Vietnamese poet who writes in Polish and Vietnamese
  • Lam Van Phat, an officer in the Army of the Republic of Vietnam
  • Lâm Quang Ky, a vice-general of Nguyen Trung Truc
  • Lâm Thị Mỹ Dạ, poem

  • Lââm

    Lââm (born 1 September 1971, in Paris) is a French female singer of Tunisian descent. She has sold more than 500,000 albums and more than 2 million singles.


    Lââm, (whose real name is "Lamiah") lived a difficult childhood stemming from family problems at home. At a very young age, she developed a passion for music.

    Within a day, a producer commented on her singing and loved the way she interpreted songs; thus Lââm's career finally began. She released her first single "Chanter pour ceux qui sont loin de chez eux", a reprise of Michel Berger's legendary song. The French public immediately loved the new version of the song and 960,000 copies of the song were sold (gold disc certification). The song ranked second on the Top 50 for nine weeks straight. From that success, Lââm released her first album Persévérance which contained additional reprises of Michel Berger's songs, as well as singles like "Jamais loin de toi", "Assez", "Les enfants de l'an 2000" or the encore "Face à Face". Some of these singles were modified and quickly became hits.

