Lyuli (Russian: Люли) or Jughi living in Central Asia, primarily Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. They speak a Tajik dialect. The Lyuli practice Islam. They have a clan organization (the Lyuli word for ‘clan’ is tupar, the Jughi word - avlod). Division into sub-clans is also practiced. The Lyuli community is extremely closed towards non-Lyuli.
Traditional occupations: crafts, including jewelry, cattle trading, mendicancy and music.
There are several names for the Lyuli: Jughi, Multani or Luli. However, they refer to themselves as Mugat or Mughat (Persian: مغان, derived from Old Persian magi, "fire-worshipper"), as well as Ghurbat (Arabic: غربات), which means "lonely". The term Multani signifies a person who originates from the city of Multan (in modern-day Pakistan), because some of the Lyuli emigrated from Multan around 1380 AD.
According to Professor Khol Nazarov, the ancestors of the Lyuli belonged to a caste of singers, musicians and dancers. Faced with hardship in their homeland, they were forced to leave and disperse.
Las penas se van y vuelven a estar ancladas en un mar
Que suele callar tus lagrimas, tu devocion
Un pez que vence todo su temor
Para vivir, para existir
Y descubrirse cada dia mas
Intenta amar un trozo de ese mar
Inunda mi paz la inmensidad de esta verdad
No impedira que pueda nadar
Dentro de ti para sentir
Y descubrirte cada dia mas
Necesito tu calor
Necesito tu amor
El tiempo se va muy lejos atras
Y ahora estoy y tambien soy
El hombre que busca una razon
Para vivir, para decir
Que hoy te quiero cada dia mas
Necesito tu calor
Necesito tu amor
Y ahora que no estoy fallando
Siento que me estas matando
Necesito tu calor
Y ahora que te estoy amando
Nuestro amor se esta enfriando
Necesito tu calor
Y ahora que no estoy fallando
Siento que me estas matando