Lying in repose or public viewing (AE) is the condition of a deceased person, often of high social stature, whose body is available for public viewing. Lying in repose differs from the more formal honor of lying in state, which is generally held at the principal government building of the deceased person's country and often accompanied by an honor guard or guard of honour.
In the United States, the distinction between lying in repose and lying in state is not often observed. However, lying in state is generally considered to be when one is placed in the rotunda of the United States Capitol.
The remains of presidents who die in office generally lie in repose in the East Room of the White House while those of a deceased former president generally lie in repose in his home state. However, as an example to the contrary, when John F. Kennedy lay in repose, the term meant "private" as opposed to a public lying in state.
The body of Babe Ruth lay in repose in Yankee Stadium.
Just as a bleeding wound dries
I found a road and left home
And as the mountain is high
I took Your tears and went on
Tears sing for sleep
But lonely nights weep
You know my heart is falling asleep
And You'd paint the sky to see me believe You
And I know my heart has fallen asleep
And You'll still remain and I'll change to see You
And I'll change to see You
Remembering every disguise
I found a way to lead on
Just as my heart has run dry
With blood and bone, I miss home
Tears sing for sleep
But lonely nights weep
You know my heart is falling asleep
And You'd paint the sky to see me believe You
And I know my heart has fallen asleep
And You'll still remain and I'll change to see You
Falling asleep again, falling asleep again
Falling asleep again
Just as a bleeding wound dries
I took your tears and went on
You know my heart is falling asleep
And You'd paint the sky to see me believe You
And I know my heart has fallen asleep
And You'll still remain and I'll change to see You
Falling asleep again, falling asleep again