This star is approximately a quarter the mass of the Sun and has 35% of the Sun's radius. Luyten's Star is at the maximum mass at which a red dwarf can be fully convective, which means that most if not all of the star forms an extended convection zone. It has a stellar classification of M3.5V, with the V luminosity class indicating this is a main-sequence star that is generating energy through the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen at its core. The projected rotation rate of this star is too low to be measured, but is no greater than 1km/s. Measurements of periodic variation in surface activity suggest a leisurely rotation period of roughly 116days. The effective temperature of the star's outer envelope is a relatively cool 3,150K, giving the star the characteristic red-orange hue of an M-type star.
S*, a collaboration between seven universities and the Karolinska Institutet of Sweden to provide course material for training in bioinformatics, genomics and medical informatics