Varieties of the color red may differ in hue, chroma (also called saturation, intensity, or colorfulness) or lightness (or value, tone, or brightness), or in two or three of these qualities. Variations in value are also called tints and shades, a tint being a red or other hue mixed with white, a shade being mixed with black. A large selection of these various colors is shown below.
At right is displayed the web color pink, a light tint of red. The pink is often considered to be a basic color term on its own.
At right is displayed the pinkish tone of salmon that is called salmon in Crayola crayons.
This color was introduced by Crayola in 1949. See the List of Crayola crayon colors.
The color coral pink is displayed at right, a pinkish orange color.
The web color salmon is displayed at right.
The color displayed at right, Red (RGB), RGB red, or electric red (i.e., as opposed to pigment red, shown below) is the brightest possible red that can be reproduced on a computer monitor. This color is an approximation of an orangish red spectral color. It is one of the three primary colors of light in the RGB color model, along with green and blue. The three additive primaries in the RGB color system are the three colors of light chosen such as to provide the maximum gamut of colors that are capable of being represented on a computer or television set, at a reasonable expense of power. Portable devices such as mobile phones might have even narrower gamut due to this purity–power tradeoff and their "red" may be less colorful and more orangish than the standard red of sRGB.
The Fullmetal Alchemist manga and anime series feature an extensive cast of fictional characters created by Hiromu Arakawa. The story is set in a fictional universe within the 20th Century in which alchemy is one of the most advanced scientific techniques. Although they basically start the same, the first anime, midway through its run, begins to differ greatly from the original manga; characters that are killed early on in the manga survive to the end of the first anime and vice versa. The second anime's (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) events, however, faithfully follow those from the manga.
The story follows the adventures of two alchemist brothers named Edward and Alphonse Elric. While trying to revive their mother, the brothers lost parts of their bodies, with Alphonse's soul being contained in a suit of armor, and Edward replacing his right arm and left leg with two sets of automail, a type of advanced prosthetic limb. Advised by Roy Mustang, an alchemist from the State Military, Edward becomes a State Alchemist, and starts traveling with Alphonse through the country of Amestris in order to find a way to recover their bodies. In their search, they hear of the Philosopher's Stone, a powerful alchemy artifact that the brothers can use to recover their bodies. However, after becoming a State Alchemist, Edward discovers that several members of the military are also attempting to get the stone, most notably humanoid creatures known as homunculi, who start chasing the Elric brothers.
Robin Wasserman (born May 31, 1978) is an American young adult novelist.
Wasserman grew up outside of Philadelphia and graduated from Harvard University and UCLA. Before she was an author she was an associate editor at a children's book publisher. She is currently living in Brooklyn, New York.
The Seven Deadly Sins series from Simon & Schuster features seven morally bankrupt teenagers in a small California town. Each novel revolves around one of the sins and each character's transgressions specific to that sin. They follow the lives of Harper Grace, Beth Manning, Adam Morgan, Kane Geary, Miranda Stevens, Reed Sawyer, Katherine (Kaia) Sellers, and their French teacher, Jack Powell. Novels in the series are Lust, Envy, Pride, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, and Greed.
The series was made into a four-hour miniseries, which debuted on the Lifetime Movie Network on May 23 and 24, 2010.
Lust is an intense craving or drive that is directly associated with the thinking or fantasizing about one's desire, usually in a sexual way..
Lust may also refer to:
In mathematical finance, the Greeks are the quantities representing the sensitivity of the price of derivatives such as options to a change in underlying parameters on which the value of an instrument or portfolio of financial instruments is dependent. The name is used because the most common of these sensitivities are denoted by Greek letters (as are some other finance measures). Collectively these have also been called the risk sensitivities,risk measures or hedge parameters.
The Greeks are vital tools in risk management. Each Greek measures the sensitivity of the value of a portfolio to a small change in a given underlying parameter, so that component risks may be treated in isolation, and the portfolio rebalanced accordingly to achieve a desired exposure; see for example delta hedging.
The Greeks in the Black–Scholes model are relatively easy to calculate, a desirable property of financial models, and are very useful for derivatives traders, especially those who seek to hedge their portfolios from adverse changes in market conditions. For this reason, those Greeks which are particularly useful for hedging—such as delta, theta, and vega—are well-defined for measuring changes in Price, Time and Volatility. Although rho is a primary input into the Black–Scholes model, the overall impact on the value of an option corresponding to changes in the risk-free interest rate is generally insignificant and therefore higher-order derivatives involving the risk-free interest rate are not common.
Color is the second EP by Japanese visual kei band, Girugamesh, released on July 7, 2010.
Color (stylized as COLOR) was a Japanese punk band formed in 1985 by Dynamite Tommy, who founded the Free-Will record label a year later. They are considered to be important to the formation of visual kei. Their debut album Gekitotsu was named one of the top albums from 1989-1998 in a 2004 issue of the music magazine Band Yarouze.
Color released their debut album Gekitotsu, in January 1988. After releasing their second album Fools! Get Lucky!!, they signed to Crown Records and released their only major studio album a couple months later, Ask the Angels. It is said that the label made the band rewrite the album's lyrics, which were originally in English, in Japanese to be more accessible by the mainstream. It seemed to have worked, as Ask the Angels reached number 16 on the Oricon chart and their popularity increased. However, in January 1990 at a concert on the album's tour, in their hometown of Osaka, a fan was accidentally stomped to death. The band decided to lay low and avoid media, they ended up losing their contract with Crown. During this hiatus, Tommy formed Sister's No Future with Ken-chan (Kamaitachi), while Marry started Goatcore with You Adachi (Dead End).