Vada or Vayda may refer to:
Vada [vəɽɑː] is a common term for many different types of savoury fritter-type snacks from South India with a set of common ingredients. Due to their popularity, they have spread throughout the world and are known by various names - for example in South Africa where a large south Indian population is found it is called Vade.
Vada can vary in shape and size, but are usually either doughnut- or disc-shaped and are between 5 and 8 cm across. They are made from black grams and Bengal grams.
Vada is a traditional South Indian food known from ancient times. As well as being commonly prepared at home, vada are popular items in street stalls and in railway stations(including the Indian Railways). They are eaten throughout the day but most commonly as a part of breakfast alongside idlis with sambar. Vada are an indispensable part of the menu in Hindu festivals with garlands of Vada offered to Hanuman on auspicious days in South Indian Temples.
Vada are generally prepared from a thick batter of Black gram or coarsely ground Bengal gram which has been fermented. This mixture is then seasoned by mixing with cumin seeds, onion, curry leaves (sometimes previously sauteed), salt, chillies and/or black pepper grains. Often ginger and baking soda are added to the seasoning in shops to increase the fluffy texture and improve fermentation for large batches. Homemade Vada generally do not incorporate baking soda and rely on natural fermentation (relatively easy in South India). The individual vada are then shaped and deep-fried.
Ulmus 'Wanoux' (selling name Vada™) is a Dutch hybrid cultivar arising from the crossing of 'Plantyn' with another selfed (self-pollinated) specimen of 'Plantyn'. Originally identified as clone No. 762, it was selected for assessment by the French Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), which patented it as 'Wanoux' (Vada) in 2006.
Vada is a narrow tree primarily intended for street planting. The glossy, dark-green leaves, < 11 cm long by 8 cm wide, are coarsely toothed and have conspicuous venation Towards the end of the season however, the leaves suffer from various afflictions so they can appear shabby. Leafing is late, but not quite as late as its stablemate Lutèce. Many minor buds fail to burst, so that young plants are rather sparsely furnished; in combination with the tree’s limited lateral development, this can lead to a skeletal appearance.
Tests in France by INRA found the tree to be 'highly resistant' to Dutch elm disease, exhibiting the lowest wilting percentage of all the clones trialled, making it comparable with 'Sapporo Autumn Gold' However, the presence of U. wallichiana in the ancestry of Vada poses the risk of susceptibility to elm yellows (phloem necrosis), which seriously damaged its Dutch stablemate 'Lobel' used as a control in the Italian elm breeding programme.
Lumi is the Finnish and Estonian word for snow, and the Albanian word for river. Its plural form, Lumia, has inspired the name of the Microsoft Lumia series of mobile devices. There is a recording service named Lumi Rec.
Lumi may also refer to:
lumi is a free, open source and open development software project for the analysis and comprehension of Illumina expression and methylation microarray data. The project was started in the summer of 2006 and set out to provide algorithms and data management tools of Illumina in the framework of Bioconductor. It is based on the statistical R programming language.
The lumi package provides an analysis pipeline for probe-level Illumina expression and methylation microarray data, including probe-identifier management (nuID), updated probe-to-gene mapping and annotation using the latest release of RefSeq (nuIDblast), probe-intensity transformation (VST) and normalization (RSN), quality control (QA/QC) and preprocessing methods specific for Illumina methylation data. By extending the ExprSet object with Illumina-specific features, lumi is designed to work with other Bioconductor packages, such as Limma and GOstats to detect differential genes and conduct Gene Ontology analysis.
Lumi is an album by Finnish avant-garde jazz composer, bandleader and drummer Edward Vesala recorded in 1986 and released on the ECM label in 1987.
Critical reception to the album has been divided.
The Penguin Guide to Jazz selected this album as part of its suggested Core Collection and awarded it a "Crown".
The Allmusic review awarded the album 2 stars.
En el 1996 la siguiente cancion fue vetada
por la burocracia de una empresa incredula,
pero hoy dia han querido venderla
aprovechando un exito que no les pertenece.
Mas a mi si me pertenece esta nueva version,
que demuestra que una gran empresa puede desaparecer
pero una buena cancion no muere.. no muere
Check , te digo check
estoy checando la movida,
Introduciendo palabra de vida,
Y avisando a los demas Mc’s,
para limpiar mi territorio
ya llegamos aquí, asi que..
Check , te digo check
estoy checando la movida,
Introduciendo palabra de vida,
Y avisando a los demas Mc’s,
para limpiar mi territorio
ya llegamos aquí, asi que..
Con esta lirica, Estoy edificando
Para que el que escucha lo reciba meditando
De buena manera les estamos exortando,
para que el que llora Ya se valla consolando.
Va dedicado al asesino,
o a los que toman vino y
A los que clasifican como cretrinos,
Va dirigido a los políticos
también a los criticos,
Y a los que dicen comentarios cinicos,
Original, original
este es un ritmo hecho en casa
Para que los incrédulos observen lo que pasa
Es que muchos cantan se guillan y se exaltan
Pero poco nos dicen lo que nos hacen falta
Hi, hi uraaaa ¡!! vico c esta sosando
Gritaban los envidiosos mientras estaba descansando
Pero poco a poco yo me estaba levantando y asechando,
Por que papá dios me estaba inspirando
A los que buscan el camino de verdad y de justicia
Aquí les saluda un hermano compañero de milicia
Para los que cantan solamente por codicia,
Escuchen este saludo y no fomenten la malicia
Y no se me asusten con esta inspiración
es simplemente the VC Haciendo introducción
Una canción que desprecia el odio
Es el compact para limpiar este territorio asi que...
Check , te digo check
estoy checando la movida,
Introduciendo palabra de vida,
Y avisando a los demas Mc’s,
para limpiar mi territorio
ya llegamos aquí, asi que..
Check , te digo check
estoy checando la movida,
Introduciendo palabra de vida,
Y avisando a los demas Mc’s,
para limpiar mi territorio
ya llegamos aquí, asi que..
Las emisoras de la radio
Que me toquen este hip hop
Irán adelantándose
pues no jugaran al tic tac toc,
si no encenderan el show
Con el mensaje que llega so
pues el maestro tiene flow flow
Me preguntaban el por que no
vuelvo a grabar de la calle
pues Eso deba a un simple detalle kit,
Grabar de la calle de nuevo
seria un acto de homicidio
entonces cuando rebote
seria un acto de suicidio
Que si lo robos, el sexo la metralleta,
Que si te tumbo, si no te humillas, si me respetas,
Para que sepas ese no es mi estilo
Yo combato el mal con el bien y de lo malo no soy vencido
Asi que suban esas manos y se encuentren en victoria
la rey de todos los reyes que sea toda la gloria
Y aunque me traten en el mundo como la escoria
Cuando venga el juicio de este mundo no habra memoria
Pregunte a richy rey y a boby cruz
que desecharon la vanidad Y tomar la cruz,
porque la vana gloria lo que nos puede dar es tensión
Y la sonrisa no es de corazón,
Pero ya ves como mi estilo en este siglo vino
Con 7 millon de voltios de poder divino
Asi que sigue asi bebe vamos acabar
este territorio con la palabra vamos a limpiar asi que...
Check , te digo check
estoy checando la movida,
Introduciendo palabra de vida,
Y avisando a los demas Mc’s,
para limpiar mi territorio
ya llegamos aquí, asi que..
Check , te digo check
estoy checando la movida,
Introduciendo palabra de vida,
Y avisando a los demas Mc’s,
para limpiar mi territorio
ya llegamos aquí, asi que..
Original, original
ritmo hecho en casa vc
los demas Mc’s...
Original, original
ritmo hecho en casa vc
los demas Mc’s...