In Irish mythology, Luchtaine (or Luchta) was a son of Brigid and Tuireann and the carpenter or wright of the Tuatha Dé Danann. He and his brothers Creidhne and Goibniu were known as the Trí Dée Dána, the three gods of art, who forged the weapons which the Tuatha Dé used to battle the Fomorians.
what's that noise?
it's just me inside your head.
whispering poetry, this verse awakes the dead.
thoughts that plague your mind and scream throughout,
don't believe anything your heart tells you about...
don't believe anything...
just believe, just in me,
the voice inside your head.
ignore the feelings that are pulsing in your chest.
it's just me, i'm inside,
i'm you, and you are not.
you'll never be one with your thoughts.
what's that noise?
it's just me inside your head.
reciting poetry, this verse awakes the dead.
the thoughts that plague your mind and scream throughout,
don't believe anything your heart tells you about...
don't believe anything...
just believe, just in me,
the voice inside your head.
ignore the feelings that are pulsing in your chest.
it's just me, i'm inside,
i'm you, and you are not.
you'll never be one with your thoughts.