Numeral or number prefixes are prefixes derived from numerals or occasionally other numbers. In English and other European languages, they are used to coin numerous series of words, such as unicycle – bicycle – tricycle, dyad – triad – decade, biped – quadruped, September – October – November – December, decimal – hexadecimal, sexagenarian – octogenarian, centipede – millipede, etc. There are two principal systems, taken from Latin and Greek, each with several subsystems; in addition, Sanskrit occupies a marginal position. There is also an international set of metric prefixes, which are used in the metric system, and which for the most part are either distorted from the forms below or not based on actual number words.
In the following prefixes, a final vowel is normally dropped before a root that begins with a vowel, with the exceptions of bi-, which is bis- before a vowel, and of the other monosyllables, du-, di-, dvi-, tri-, which are invariable.
Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2 (超次元ゲイム ネプテューヌmk2, Chōjigen Geimu Neputyūnu mk2, lit. Super Dimensional Game Neptune mk2) is a 2011 role-playing video game developed by Idea Factory and Compile Heart, with assistance from Nippon Ichi Software, Gust Corporation, 5pb., and the recently founded company Comcept by Keiji Inafune. It is the sequel to the previous game named Hyperdimension Neptunia, announced on April 12, 2011 for the PlayStation 3, as the second installment in the Hyperdimension Neptunia franchise, and is followed by Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory. It was released on August 18, 2011 in Japan, and was released in February 2012 in the United States and Europe. The ESRB allocated the game a Mature rating. The sequel contains both new and returning characters, and the gameplay has been updated so as to remove the random encounter feature. New maps and a brand new world feature as well, and the cutscenes have been upgraded from the old 2D visual novel style cutscenes. Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 was made available as a downloadable title on the PlayStation Network in August 2012.
Uni was the supreme goddess of the Etruscan pantheon and the patron goddess of Perugia. Uni was identified by the Etruscans as their equivalent of Juno in Roman mythology and Hera in Greek mythology.
Uni appears in the Etruscan text on the Pyrgi Tablets as the translation of the Phoenician goddess Astarte. Livy states (Book V, Ab Urbe Condita) that Juno was an Etruscan goddess of the Veientes, who was ceremonially adopted into the Roman pantheon when Veii was sacked in 396BC. This seems to refer to Uni. She also appears on the Liver of Piacenza.
Among the pre-roman Latin tribes, the goddess was worshipped as Uni: a single triad made up of the maiden Juventas, the mother Juno, and the wise Minerva. Later, the Etruscans and early Romans, as we have seen, substituted the chief god Jupiter for Juventas, creating another kind of triad altogether.
With her husband Tinia and Menrva, she was part of a powerful triad.
In the Etruscan tradition, it is Uni who grants access to immortality to the demigod Hercle (Greek Heracles, Latin Hercules) by offering her breast milk to him.
Loser may refer to:
Loser was an American alternative rock band, formed in late 2004.
In 2005 guitarist John 5 of Marilyn Manson fame formed Loser. The band was partly co-founded by John 5's friend, producer Bob Marlette. Vocalist Joe Grah already had a significant amount of success in his home state of Texas with the band Jibe. Marlette recommended Grah to John 5, and so he hopped on a plane to Texas to see Jibe play. Grah flew back to Los Angeles and was hired on the spot. Recruiting fellow Texan musicians bassist Charles Lee and drummer Glendon Crain, Loser began working on their debut album Just Like You. The band played its first show in Hollywood, California on June 9, (6-9-05).
The name Loser came about as a reaction to John 5's past:
When questioned in an interview regarding the band's sound, John 5 replied, "It is just great rock music. It is kinda like the Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, new-age stuff."
The band had initial success not long after signing with Island Records, when the track "Disposable Sunshine" was included on the 2005 Fantastic Four soundtrack. During the recording of the soundtrack, however, Crain briefly left the band and was replaced by drummer Elias Andra, a friend of Lee's. (Andra had had some success himself with the industrial metal band Psycho Plague, his own creation, which toured as a headline act with Linkin Park.) However, no sooner had promotional shots been taken than Andra left and Crain returned.
"Loser" (originally "Day Sixteen: Loser" in the album) is the fifth single by Arjen Anthony Lucassen's progressive rock/metal opera Ayreon, released on July 26, 2004 from its sixth album, The Human Equation. It is the fifth track of the second disc of its sixth album The Human Equation, and the sixteenth track of the overall album. Although it is released under Ayreon's name, the single version, very different, was made by Lucassen's other band Star One.
Lead vocals are provided by Mike Baker from Shadow Gallery, who is playing the character Father in his only album appearance. Devin Townsend provides vocals at the end of the song, in the third and final appearance of his character Rage. The song was composed by Lucassen, who also wrote Father's vocals; however Rage's vocals are written by Townsend himself.
On the single version, Peter Vink is playing bass and Joost van den Broek is playing keyboards;the two instruments were originally played by Lucassen. The most notable difference is the substitution of the Hammond solo of Ken Hensley by a duel between Lucassen and van den Broek.
Look, If you had
One Scar, One opportunity.
This is everything you ever wanted (To kill Voldemort! HA!)
His scar is hurting,
voldemort near, spells he's blurting
there's blood on his robes already, Basilisk named Betty
He's nervous
But on the surface he looks calm and ready to cast spells
but he keeps on forgetting what spell to do,
his mom's screams go through his head
he opens his mouth but the spells wont come out
he's choking now, voldemort is joking now,
times run out, his dream is over, BLOW!
Snap back to reality,
Oh! He's in his four post-er!
His scar is burning bad!
he wants to go tell Ron!
he's so sad, so he won?t
give up that easy, no.
he won?t have it he knows
he will kill voldemort,
it don?t matter, he's toast.
he knows that, but knows most
that Voldie' cant come close
cuz he is at hogwarts.
back to your class again, yo
better get to class or Snape's gonna be mad, yo
You better not loose your wand in the magic, the wizards, you love it
you better never let it go
you only get one shot, do not miss that spell you cast,
to kill voldemort comes once in a lifetime!
You better not loose your wand in the magic, the wizards, you love it
you better never let it go
you only get one shot, do not miss that spell you cast,
to kill voldemort comes once in a lifetime!
Hedwig's escaping, in the hole that is gaping
the letter is mine for the taking, let me read!
From Sirius, so delirious
he says his life is boring, an Animagi!
Its close to quidditch time,
and he needs to go
be a seeker and win some more games
OH NO! Chambers open.
Cant believe that they took Ginny!
But the magic goes on,
da da dum, da da da da
You better not loose your wand in the magic, the wizards, you love it
you better never let it go
you only get one shot, do not miss that spell you cast,
to kill voldemort comes once in a lifetime!
You better not loose your wand in the magic, the wizards, you love it
you better never let it go
you only get one shot, do not miss that spell you cast,
to kill voldemort comes once in a lifetime!
No more games, he's gonna change what you call magic,
to kill mean old voldemort, ooh how tragic!
he was learning in the beginning, then wizarding changed,
when he went to hogwarts and people called him names.
but he kept learning and learned a lot of spells,
made enemies wit' Malfoy, proved he was better as well
Draco got him mad, he was meltin',
but there's no movie if there's no Tom Felton,
This is Harry's life and these times are so dark, and its getting even darker,
trying to defeat voldemort,
plus, being haunted by that night with his Mom and father
too much for him to want to stay in one spot,
too many dark wizards, he's got to formulate a plot or end up in heaven.
Success is his only stinkin' option, death is not.
Sorry Harry but I have got to go,
I cannot grow old writing songs.
So here he goes there's his shot,
wizard or not
this may be the only opportunity he got
You better not loose your wand in the magic, the wizards, you love it
you better never let it go
you only get one shot, do not miss that spell you cast,
to kill voldemort comes once in a lifetime!
You better not loose your wand in the magic, the wizards, you love it
you better never let it go
you only get one shot, do not miss that spell you cast,
to kill voldemort comes once in a lifetime.