This is a list of Forgotten Realms deities. They are all deities that appear in the fictional Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.
The deities of other Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings, including those of the default (or "core") setting for the Dungeons & Dragons game, are not generally a part of Forgotten Realms. However, there is some overlap, especially among the deities of nonhuman races. Lolth, the principal deity of the drow in the Forgotten Realms, is specifically described as being the same deity as Lolth in other campaign settings. No mention is made as to whether other deities shared between Forgotten Realms and other campaign settings are intended to represent the same divine entity.
Deities are included in this list only when documented in a Forgotten Realms-specific source or otherwise clearly indicated as existing in the setting. For deities in the core setting, see List of deities of Dungeons & Dragons.
Lord is an appellation for a person or deity who has authority, control, or power over others acting like a master, a chief, or a ruler. The appellation can also denote certain persons who hold a title of the peerage in the United Kingdom, or are entitled to courtesy titles. The collective "Lords" can refer to a group or body of peers.
According to the Oxford Dictionary of English, the etymology of the word can be traced back to the Old English word hlāford which originated from hlāfweard meaning "loaf-ward" or "bread keeper", reflecting the Germanic tribal custom of a chieftain providing food for his followers. The appellation "lord" is primarily applied to men, while for women the appellation "lady" is used. However, this is no longer universal: the Lord of Mann, a title currently held by the Queen of the United Kingdom, and female Lord Mayors are examples of women who are styled Lord.
Under the feudal system, "lord" had a wide, loose and varied meaning. An overlord was a person from whom a landholding or a manor was held by a mesne lord or vassal under various forms of feudal land tenure. The modern term "landlord" is a vestigial survival of this function. A liege lord was a person to whom a vassal owed sworn allegiance. Neither of these terms were titular dignities, but rather factual appellations, which described the relationship between two or more persons within the highly stratified feudal social system. For example, a man might be Lord of the Manor to his own tenants but also a vassal of his own overlord, who in turn was a vassal of the King. Where a knight was a lord of the manor, he was referred to in contemporary documents as "John (Surname), knight, lord of (manor name)". A feudal baron was a true titular dignity, with the right to attend Parliament, but a feudal baron, Lord of the Manor of many manors, was a vassal of the King.
Lord is a general title denoting deference applied to a male person of authority, religious or political or a deity.
Lord or LORD may also refer to:
Lord (sometimes spelled LORD) is a heavy metal band from Wollongong, Australia. The group began as a solo project for "Lord Tim" Grose of Dungeon in 2003 and expanded into a complete band when Dungeon broke up in 2005. They have released four albums and 3 EP's to date. Lord has appeared with major acts that include Queensrÿche, Nightwish, Nevermore, Saxon and Gamma Ray. The band's name is usually stylised in all capital letters.
Between 1988 and 2000, Dungeon singer/guitarist and founding member "Lord Tim" Grose had collected a number of compositions he felt were either too personal to submit to the band or inappropriate for its style. In 2003, he collected these songs on an album called A Personal Journey that was issued under the name Lord. At the end of 2005, Dungeon came to an end and Lord became a band featuring Grose and drummer Tim Yatras (also of Dungeon), along with guitarist Mav Stevens and bass player Andrew Dowling from Brisbane metal band Sedition. Yatras has also been a member of several black metal bands including Nazxul, Austere and Battalion. A Personal Journey was re-mastered and released to mark the occasion.
La radio a 1000 W (4 volte)
In giro a 30 all'ora con i finestrini giù
qui non si fuma lo sai anche tu
occhiali d'ordinanza braccio fuori come se
fossimo gangster di Los Angeles
(C'è un sole troppo bello)
L'apecar del gelataio fermati
(fermati, fermati, fermati)
da quanto tempo non venivo
ai giardini pubblici (giardini pubblici)
i ragazzini stanno giocando
a undici (undici, undici, undici, undici)
sì, ma che bella mamma
e voi fate i poetici (lo vedi, sei scemo!)
La radio a 1000 W l'asfalto piano piano passa e va
la radio a 1000 W fino al tramonto ci accompagnerà
Le tipe col golf cabrio le conosci tu, io no
mi sembra che ci guardino
la bionda che è al volante forse la conosco io
abita accanto a casa di mio zio
(Mi sa che non è vero)
Io gli abbaglio, guarda se si fermano
(fermano, fermano oppure no)
a me dai gesti sembra che ci insultino (sembra che ci insultino)
le auto dietro di noi che se la ridono
(ridono, ridono, ridono)
gira indietro sennò queste ci umiliano
(ci mandano a casa!)
La radio a 1000 W l'asfalto piano piano passa e va
la radio a 1000 W fino al tramonto ci accompagnerà
Andiamo giù a Ticino alla baracca all'argine
che caso, guarda un po' chi c'è
la tipa dei tuoi sogni per me sembra Amanda Lear
non dir cazzate o la farai andar via
(Però che begli amici)
avrai fatto colpo in cravatta e cardigan
(cardigan, cardigan)
taci tu, che hai il pizzo come D'Artagnan (il pizzo come D'Artagnan)
con voi non si riesce a combinare mai
(proprio mai, proprio ma proprio mai)
tanto aveva un piede del quarantasei (lo vedi, sei scemo!)
La radio a 1000 W l'asfalto piano piano passa e va
la radio a 1000 W fino al tramonto ci accompagnerà
La radio a 1000 W l'asfalto piano piano passa e va
la radio a 1000 W fino al tramonto ci accompagnerà