Log bucking
Bucking is the process of cutting a felled and delimbed tree into logs. This can be a complicated process because logs destined for plywood, lumber, and pulp each have their own price and specifications for length, diameter, and defects. Significant value can be lost by sub-optimal bucking. Cutting from the top down is overbucking and from the bottom up is underbucking.
A felled and delimbed tree has to be cut into logs of standard sizes. This process is called bucking, and logger who specialises in this job is a buck sawyer.
Bucking may be done in a variety of ways depending on the logging operation. Trees that have been previously felled and moved to a landing with a log skidder are spread out for processing. While many of the limbs have broken off during transport, the remaining limbs and stubs have to be trimmed. The bucker will anchor the end of an auto rewinding tape measure which is attached to his belt and walk down the log trimming as he goes. The tape is anchored gently with a bent horseshoe nail in the bark so it can be jerked loose when the measurement is completed. When a suitable place to buck the tree is located the cut is made. Local market conditions will determine the particular lengths cut. It is common for log buyers to issue purchase orders for the length, diameter, grade, and species that they prefer and will accept. On the West Coast common cuts on a large Pine or Fir tree is three 32's and a 10. There are often different prices for different items. The bucker is the one who turns a tree into logs, and to do his job properly must cut the tree for optimum value. Significant value may be lost by sub-optimal bucking.