Lofexidine (sold under the brand names: Britlofex and Kai Er Ding) is an α2A-adrenergic receptor agonist, historically used as an anti-hypertensive, but more commonly used to alleviate the physical symptoms of heroin and other types of opioid withdrawal.
In the United Kingdom, the hydrochloride form, lofexidine HCl, has been licensed and sold since 1992 for opiate withdrawal relief in tablet form as Britlofex by Britannia Pharmaceuticals. Britlofex is only available by prescription. Lofexidine is also commonly used in conjunction with the opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone in rapid detoxification cases. When these two drugs are paired, naltrexone is administered to induce an opioid-receptor blockade sending the subject into immediate withdrawal and accelerating the detoxification process, while lofexidine is given to relieve the symptoms associated with the withdrawal including chills, sweating, stomach cramps, muscle pain, and runny nose.
Lofexidine inhibits the release of norepinephrine in the central and peripheral nervous system, thereby reducing some of the withdrawal symptoms, but it has no documented effect on drug craving and endogenous opioid levels.