The load (Latin: carrus, lit. "cartload"), also known as a fodder, fother, and charrus, was an English unit of weight or mass of various amounts, depending on the era and the substance being measured.
The load of lead was 30 fotmals, 175 stone, or 2,100 Merchant pounds (~918.525 kg).
"The Load of Lead doth consist of Thirty Fotmals, and every Fotmal containeth Six Stone, except Two Pound; and every Stone doth consist of Twelve Pound, and every Pound consisteth of the Weight of 25 Shillings,5 whereby the Sum in the Fotmal is Seventy Pound. But the Sum of the Stones in the Load is Eight Times Twenty and Fifteen, and it is proved by Six Times Thirty which is Nine Times Twenty. But of every Fotmal there are abated Two Pound in the foresaid Multiplication, which are Sixty, which make Five Stone. And so there are in the Load Eight Times Twenty and Fifteen as is aforesaid." - Tractatus de Ponderibus et Mensuris
The load of hay or straw was 36 trusses or 1,296 pounds (now about 587.8557 kg).
Unité is a mobile network operator in Moldova. Working in CDMA, UMTS and LTE standards.
Communication standard: Unité has a license to work in CDMA standard on frequency of 450 MHz as well as in UMTS standard on frequencies of 2100 MHz and 900 MHz.
Numbering resources:
Unité network codes are:
Internationally they have the form:
Network code:
For CDMA standard: 259 03, where 259 — Mobile Country Code (MCC) for Moldova, and 03 — Mobile Network Code (MNC) for Unité network.
For UMTS standard: 259 05, where 259 — Mobile Country Code (MCC) for Moldova, and 05 — Mobile Network Code (MNC) for Unité network.
Unité began its activity on March 1, 2007 as CDMA operator. On April 1, 2010 Unité launched its own 3.5G network.
Unité offers mobile internet services via CDMA standard under the brand of "Connect" with speeds up to 2.4 Mbit/s and via 3.5G under the brand of "3G Connect" with speeds up to 14.4 Mbit/s
Moldtelecom is 100% shareholder of the operator.
A unit is a measure of housing equivalent to the living quarters of one household.
In common speech in Australia and New Zealand, the word "unit", when referring to housing, usually means either: an apartment, (where a group of apartments is contained in one or more multi-storied buildings (an 'apartment block')); or a villa unit or home unit, where a group of dwellings is in one or more single storey buildings, usually arranged around a driveway. In this usage, a unit is a self-contained suite of rooms, usually of modest scale, which may be attached, semi-detached or detached, within a group of similar dwellings. Used in the Australian and New Zealand urban planning and development industry, unit is also a synonym for dwelling, as in, "This development has 22 units per hectare".
A single room unit is more commonly referred to as a studio flat or bedsitter, otherwise known as a Single Room Occupancy or SRO in North America. It can be hard to discern precisely what attributes distinguish some multi-dwelling developments as units from those referred to as flats or apartments, though everyday usage suggests there is a class dimension to the term.
Units of alcohol are used in the United Kingdom (UK) as a measure to quantify the actual alcoholic content within a given volume of an alcoholic beverage, in order to provide guidance on total alcohol consumption.
A number of other countries (including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the US) use the concept of a "standard drink", the definition of which varies from country to country, for the same purpose. "Standard drinks" were referred to in the first UK guidelines (1984) that published "safe limits" for drinking, but these were replaced by references to "alcohol units" in the 1987 guidelines and the latter term has been used in all subsequent UK guidance.
One unit of alcohol (UK) is defined as 10 millilitres (8 grams) of pure alcohol. Typical drinks (i.e. typical quantities or servings of common alcoholic beverages) may contain 1–3 units of alcohol.
Containers of alcoholic beverages sold directly to UK consumers are normally labelled to indicate the number of units of alcohol in a typical serving of the beverage (optional) and in the full container (can or bottle), as well as information about responsible drinking. Additionally, the advent of smartphones has led to the creation of apps which report the number of units contained in an alcoholic drink.