Llŷr (Welsh: Llŷr Llediaith; Lleddiarth meaning "half-speech" or "half-language") is a figure in Welsh mythology, probably originally a deity, probably derived from Irish Ler ("the Sea"), father of Manannán mac Lir. Other than his progeny and odd tidbits, his identity remains obscure.
Llŷr appears as the father of Brân, Brânwen and Manawydan by Penarddun in the Branwen, Daughter of Llyr, the Second Branch of the Mabinogi.
The Welsh Triads states that Llŷr was imprisoned by Euroswydd, and presumbably, Penarddun consequently married Euroswydd, giving birth by Euroswydd to her two younger sons, Nisien and Efnisien, as stated in the Second Branch.
William Shakespeare's play King Lear is based on material taken secondhand (through Holinshed) from Geoffrey of Monmouth's mythical king King Leir, who has often been connected, but is likely unrelated, to Llŷr.
(*) Unbordered names are figures not in Llŷr's line of descent, though perhaps members of the extended family.
(*) This stemma is subject to further elaboration. If the Beli above is to be equated with Beli Mawr then Caswallawn stands as Penarddun's sibling. But Bromwich observes that Penarddun should be emended to being the sister of Beli, which would bring consistency with statement elsewhere that Caswallawn and Bran are cousins.
Las penas se van y vuelven a estar ancladas en un mar
Que suele callar tus lagrimas, tu devocion
Un pez que vence todo su temor
Para vivir, para existir
Y descubrirse cada dia mas
Intenta amar un trozo de ese mar
Inunda mi paz la inmensidad de esta verdad
No impedira que pueda nadar
Dentro de ti para sentir
Y descubrirte cada dia mas
Necesito tu calor
Necesito tu amor
El tiempo se va muy lejos atras
Y ahora estoy y tambien soy
El hombre que busca una razon
Para vivir, para decir
Que hoy te quiero cada dia mas
Necesito tu calor
Necesito tu amor
Y ahora que no estoy fallando
Siento que me estas matando
Necesito tu calor
Y ahora que te estoy amando
Nuestro amor se esta enfriando
Necesito tu calor
Y ahora que no estoy fallando
Siento que me estas matando