Sport utility vehicle

A sport utility vehicle (SUV, sometimes called a sports utility wagon) is a vehicle similar to a station wagon or estate car that is usually equipped with four-wheel drive for on-road or off-road ability. Some SUVs include the towing capacity of a pickup truck with the passenger-carrying space of a minivan or large sedan.


According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a "sport utility vehicle" is "a rugged automotive vehicle similar to a station wagon but built on a light-truck chassis". The "SUV" term is defined as "a large vehicle that is designed to be used on rough surfaces but that is often used on city roads or highways." The "SUV" acronym "is still used to describe nearly anything with available all-wheel drive and raised ground clearance."

North America

There are a number of definitions for an SUV. Most government regulations simply have categories for "off-highway vehicles," which in turn are lumped in with pickup trucks and minivans as light trucks." The auto industry has not settled on one definition.

Standardized uptake value

The standardized uptake value (SUV) is often used in positron emission tomography (PET) imaging for a (semi)quantitative analysis. Its use is particularly common in the analysis of [18F]fluorodeoxyglucose ([18F]FDG) images of cancer patients. It can also be used with other PET agents especially when no arterial input function is available for more detailed pharmacokinetic modeling. Otherwise measures like the fractional uptake rate (FUR) or parameters from more advanced pharmacokinetic modeling may be preferable.

The SUV is the ratio of the image derived radioactivity concentration cimg and the whole body concentration of the injected radioactivity cinj,

SUV = \frac {\mathit{c_{img}}} {\mathit{c_{inj}}}

While this equation looks simple, there are a number of details that need to be discussed, such as (1) the origin of cimg data, (2) the origin of cinj data, (3) time, and (4) units.

The cimg data may be the pixel intensities of a calibrated PET image. Calculated SUV data can then be visualized as parametric SUV image. Alternatively, groups of such pixels may be selected e.g. by manually drawing or otherwise segmenting a region of interest (ROI) on the PET image. Then e.g. the average intensity of that ROI may be used as cimg input to calculate SUVs.

SUV (disambiguation)

SUV refers to a sport utility vehicle. It may also refer to:

  • Standardized uptake value, a measure used in positron emission tomography for quantification
  • Small unilamellar vesicle, a liposome with a single lipid bilayer
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