Family Guy is an American animated adult comedy created by Seth MacFarlane for the Fox Broadcasting Company. Characters are listed only once, normally under the first applicable subsection in the list; very minor characters are listed with a more regular character with whom they are associated.
Peter Griffin (voiced by Seth MacFarlane) is the patriarch of the Griffin household, an Irish-American blue-collar worker. He is a lazy, immature, obese, laid-back, dim-witted, outspoken, eccentric alcoholic. Peter's jobs have included working at the Happy Go Lucky Toy Factory, working as a fisherman, and currently working at Pawtucket Brewery.
Lois Patrice Griffin (née Pewterschmidt) (voiced by Alex Borstein) is Peter's wife and the mother of Meg, Chris, and Stewie. She is a Scots/Anglo American housewife who cares for her kids and her husband, while also teaching children to play the piano. She is also very flirtatious and has slept with numerous people on the show; her past promiscuous tendencies and her hard-core recreational drug-use are often stunning but overlooked.
And I'd like to sing a song of gratitude to that special chum
When I have a heart that's heavy
Feeling I was born to lose
You are there to say that life's okay
Thank you for it all dear booze
When a chilly wind is blowin'
Telling me to sing the blues
You begin to show your soothing glow
Thank you for it all dear booze
Drifting, flying, on a cloud of whiskey dreams
No more sighing, eyes alight with moonshine beams
When a love is unrequited
When she brushes off my woos
You are there to mend, my fluid friend
Thank you for it all dear booze
Drifting, flying, on a cloud of whiskey dreams
No more sighing, eyes alight with moonshine beams
When a love is unrequited
When she brushes off my woos
You are there to mend, my fluid friend
Thank you for it all dear booze