Famous quotes by Lisa Madigan:
"We must keep pace with our neighboring states to ensure that Illinois doesn't become the meth shopping mall of the Midwest,"
"Exposing utility customers to the risks of higher market-based rates - when they don't have any choices and can't shop around or switch to a less expensive supplier - could unfairly add more than a billion dollars per year to electric bills paid by household and business,"
"We are pursuing this lawsuit to ensure that the ICC follows the laws that expressly call for consumers to be protected from the inflated rates that would result if the ICC approves this unauthorized auction process,"
"It is best to go directly to a reputable organization's Web site, or call the organization directly to make your pledge,"
"If you want to send in a donation, which I encourage you to do, please make sure you give serious thought when it comes to contributing to charity,"
"Just because something isn't illegal doesn't make it right. These are lollipops that are clearly targeted at kids, ... As parents, you spend an enormous amount of time and energy saying to kids, 'Don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs.' Anything the glamorizes or lures them into these destructive behaviors shouldn't be promoted."
"Under Illinois law, these captive customers are entitled to regulated rates and consumer protections that have been in place for almost a century,"
"It is unclear why they are not providing gasoline to some of the unbranded stations, ... When I say unclear, I mean it is unclear if there is a supply problem such that it cannot be provided to those independent stations."
"We have a lot of information to sift through. There are 5,100 gas stations in Illinois, ... All you have to do is go out on the street and look up to see how much gas has gone up. We are making determinations as to whether or not there is a legitimate reason for that or whether or not we are being exploited."
"Those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles...should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions."