Lionel is a contract bridge bidding convention used in defense against an opposing 1NT openings. Using Lionel, over a 1NT opening of the opponents:
Any of the overcalls denote high-card strength corresponding to 12+ (or good 11) high card points.
The convention is named after Lionel Wright from New Zealand who published it in the International Popular Bridge Monthly magazine of May 1993.
Following the Lionel double, the partner of the double responds as follows:
(1NT) - dbl - (pass) - ??
After a minor suit Lionel overcall, the responses are straightforward. For instance:
(1NT) - 2♣ - (pass) - ??
Like using Brozel, CoCa or DONT, using Lionel has the consequence of losing the penalty double over opponent's 1NT. Although this is often seen as a loss, Lionel Wright argued that this loss turns into an advantage as it opens the possibility to defend 1NT doubled with split points between you and your partner. As a balanced holding of the majority of points is far more likely to occur than holding the majority of points in an imbalanced way, a conventional non-penalty double over 1NT holds the potential of paying-off on many hands. Also, non-penalty doubles are more difficult to deal with than traditional business doubles.
Bridge (simplified Chinese: 桥; traditional Chinese: 橋; pinyin: Qiáo) (also known as The Bridge) is a 1949 Chinese war film made shortly after the Communist revolution in China; as such, it is considered the first film completed after the founding of the People's Republic of China. As a film, Bridge set many of the themes that would dominate the Socialist cinema of post-1949 China, including the glorification of the worker and the conversion of the intellectual to Communism.
During the Chinese Civil War, a railroad factory is commissioned by the Communist army to repair a bridge. Led by a skeptical engineer who does not believe the bridge can be completed in time, the factory workers lack enthusiasm and morale. The project is galvanized, however, by the work of Liang Ruisheng (Wang Jiayi), who inspires his fellow workers to complete the project for the war effort. In the process, even the engineer is converted.
A bicyclic molecule is a molecule that features just two rings. Bicyclic molecules occur widely in organic and inorganic compounds. Among organic compounds, the two rings can be fully carbocyclic (all atoms in each ring all carbons), or one or both can be heterocyclic (at least one atom in the rings not a carbon atom). Moreover, the two rings can both be aliphatic, or can be aromatic, or a combination of aliphatic and aromatic (cf. decalins and naphthalenes, norbornanes and cyclophanes, aliphatic spiro compounds and spiroaromatics, and biphenyl and cyclohexylbenzene, as aromatic and mixed examples).
Joining of the rings can occur in four ways:
The Bridge may refer to:
Lionel is a masculine given name. It may also refer to: