Linux Libertine
Linux Libertine is a digital typeface created by the Libertine Open Fonts Project, which aims to create free and open alternatives to proprietary typefaces such as Times Roman. It is developed with the free font editor FontForge and is licensed under the GNU General Public License and the SIL Open Font License.
Linux Libertine is a proportional serif typeface inspired by 19th century book type and is intended as a replacement for the Times font family.
The typeface has five styles: regular, bold, italic, bold italic, and small capitals, all of which are available in TrueType and OpenType format, as well as in source code. The OpenType version allows automatic positioning and substitution, including true fractions, ligatures and kerning.
There is also a complementary organic sans-serif face, Linux Biolinum, similar to Optima or Candara. It is available in bold and italic styles.
Unicode coverage
Linux Libertine contains more than 2,000 glyphs and encompasses character sets such as the Greek Alphabet, Cyrillic script, and Hebrew alphabet. Additionally, it offers several ligatures (such as ff, fi, and ct, and the capital ß). It also includes special characters such as International Phonetic Alphabet, arrows, floral symbols, Roman numbers, text figures, and small caps. The Tux mascot is included at the Unicode code point U+E000.