Lilith is a pioneer American dark ambient music group formed by Scott Gibbons in 1986.
Early self-released albums contained little or no text to suggest authorship or titles, and were rooted in homemade audio devices and modified consumer electronics. By the early 1990s, Lilith's music had developed in a sombre minimalist direction, with growing research into extended compositions focused around very low frequencies. On signing with the Sub Rosa label, the name Lilith was taken after Earth's hypothetical moon to reflect that the music often suggested more than it revealed.
Most of their works use single sound sources for instrumentation; for example rocks on "Stone" (Sub Rosa: 1992). Unlike other artists working in similar directions, Lilith would perform in concert, and released two albums which were recorded live.
Lilith, in comics, may refer to:
Diablo is an action role-playing hack and slash dungeon crawler video game series developed by Blizzard Entertainment. As of May 30, 2012, the series has sold over 24.8 million copies worldwide. The series is made up of three core games: Diablo, Diablo II, and Diablo III. All three games are action role-playing and hack and slash games. Expansion games include the third-party published Diablo: Hellfire, which follows the first game, Lord of Destruction, published by Blizzard and released after the second game, and the recently released Reaper of Souls, which follows the third game. Additional content is provided through story elements explored in other media forms.
The series is set in the fantasy world of Sanctuary. The three games in the series take place in similar geographic areas, with several common areas including the town of Tristram and the region around Mount Arreat. Additional setting is provided by the High Heavens and the Burning Hells, two separate realms with ties to Sanctuary. The series focuses on the battle between the humans living on Sanctuary and the Prime Evils, demons who are led by Diablo, the series' chief antagonist. The humans are occasionally aided by angels, notably the archangel of justice, Tyrael. The characters in the world of Sanctuary are primarily humans, angels, and various classes of demons and monsters.
Lilith is the name of a custom built workstation using the AMD 2901 bit-slice processor by the group of Niklaus Wirth at ETH Zürich.The project started in 1977 and by 1984 several hundred workstations were in use. It had a high resolution full page display, a mouse, a laser printer interface, and a network interface. Its software was written completely in Modula-2 and included a relational database program called Lidas.
Citing from Sven Erik Knudsen's contribution to "The Art of Simplicity": "Lilith's clock speed was around 7 MHz and enabled Lilith to execute between 1 and 2 million instructions (called M-code) per second. (...) Initially, the main memory was planned to have 65,536 16-bit words memory, but soon after its first version, it was enlarged to twice that capacity. For regular Modula-2 programs, however, only the initial 65,536 words were usable for storage of variables."
The development of Lilith was influenced by the Xerox Alto from the Xerox PARC (1973) where Niklaus Wirth spent a sabbatical from 1976 to 1977. Unable to bring back one of the Alto systems to Europe, Wirth decided to build a new system from scratch between 1978 and 1980. In 1985 he had a second sabbatical leave to PARC, which led to the design of the Oberon System. Ceres, the follow-up to Lilith, was also released in 1985.
Group may refer to:
A stratigraphic unit is a volume of rock of identifiable origin and relative age range that is defined by the distinctive and dominant, easily mapped and recognizable petrographic, lithologic or paleontologic features (facies) that characterize it.
Units must be mappable and distinct from one another, but the contact need not be particularly distinct. For instance, a unit may be defined by terms such as "when the sandstone component exceeds 75%".
Sequences of sedimentary and volcanic rocks are subdivided on the basis of their lithology. Going from smaller to larger in scale, the main units recognised are Bed, Member, Formation, Group and Supergroup.
A bed is a lithologically distinct layer within a member or formation and is the smallest recognisable stratigraphic unit. These are not normally named, but may be in the case of a marker horizon.
A member is a named lithologically distinct part of a formation. Not all formations are subdivided in this way and even where they are recognized, they may only form part of the formation.
31st Group may refer to: