The Liandra is a fictional starship in the Babylon 5 television movie Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers.
The Liandra is of Minbari origin, and although only around 20 years old it is considered an obsolete design standard by Minbari. The Liandra was given to Ranger Capt. David Martell after G'kar interfered with a Grey Council session that was about to decide Martell's fate for him retreating from a battle.
Like all Minbari designed ships the Liandra utilises gravimetric propulsion, she also possesses a virtual reality room in which uses holograms to allow a gunner can fight ship to ship in real time.
Although small, it is a jump-capable ship, despite the fact that in the movie "The Legend of the Rangers: To live and die in starlight" its jump drive was damaged during the attack perpetrated by vessels belonging to a race allied to "the Hand" and it had to coast on normal space to reach a jump gate. This has led to some confusion between some fans on the subject.
in with the dark nights, in with the weight down clouds
suburbs and stations, longrange trains coming in
how can you manage, how can you bear me now
coming in fast, bringing the lights | keeping me calm,
keeping me calm like you do | im tearing us down,
how can you do? keeping me downin with the trains,
rushing through the lands | in with the aeroplanes,
breaking through heavy nights | where does it go?
when does it sleep again | off with the devils,
off with the devils keeping me calm,
keeping me calm like you do, I love you, I love you,
keeping me calm. with the trains, rushing like blood to my limbs,
come over dance with me, come on over dance with me
bring in the warmth, bring in the comfort to me,
citadel band play forme, citadel band play for me
keeping me calm, keeping me calm like you do.
I love you, I love you, off with the boards,
off with whats keeping me down, in with the arms,
in with whats keeping me calm, i cannot go, i cannot do.