Lehigh Valley retail and restaurant news in brief ... Dunkin’ will open a kiosk at the Lehigh Valley Mall in Whitehall Township this spring, at the mall’s lower levels near the escalators ... Lehigh Valley.
The 22 year old will make her cup-level giant slalom debut Tuesday in Sun Valley. Macuga has skied the tech event numerous times before at lower FIS levels, typically finding success.
Scottsdale-based Greenlight Communities, a housing developer with thousands of units developed around the Valley and state, is planning both market-rate and workforce-level rentals for its project at Verrado Way and Van Buren Street.
It is those native and natural habitats that provide us various finite natural resources unique to this valley! However, I am also concerned that given the current climatic conditions (temperature ...
Elsewhere in B.C., an agency map shows the danger rating at level four out of five across the coast mountains and Sea to Sky area, including Squamish, Whistler and the Fraser Valley, as well as E.C.
An AvalancheCanada map shows the danger rating at level four out of five across the coastal mountains and Sea to Sky area, including Squamish, Whistler and the Fraser Valley, as well as E.C.
Naturally, she chose to continue that path as she will continue her academic and volleyball careers at the next level. The Centreville graduate-to-be recently signed up for another two years of volleyball with Kalamazoo Valley Community College.
“Outside of that, he works with a level of humility, and his teammates allow him to be great ... 50 years, Stirtz has made his stamp on the program and proved that he can play at the Division I level.
WICHITA, Kan ... 9 Georgia 89-68. Houston trailed for roughly two minutes at the outset before hitting a level of play that its Ohio Valley Conference opponent couldn’t match. By the first media timeout, Houston led 14-6 ...Sampson’s squad ranks No ... .
That classification, which the region is poised to enter this year, indicates the area is seeing ozone levels of more than 30% above the EPA's current standard ... Meanwhile, the issue continues to put Valley residents' health at risk.
Dunkin’ will open a kiosk at the Lehigh Valley Mall in Whitehall Township this spring. The chain will open a kiosk at the mall’s lower levels near the escalators, AmberWong...
19 in the Register’s Top 25, Capo Valley Christian is No ... “This is a good thing if we can learn from it,” said Bonilla, who hopes this level of competition will ready Capo Valley Christian for a 15th consecutive league title.
Thriving at D-II Westmont, Jack Bollengier hopes to take his game to the next level ... Scotts Valley’s baseball team earns walk-off win over Santa Teresa .
"As someone who grew up in the Midwest loving the game of basketball, I've always admired the IU Basketball program for its championship-level success, tradition and fan support ... --Field LevelMedia.