Leteći odred

Leteći odred is Croatian pop band from the city of Osijek that used to be popular in the mid 1990s. Its name means "Flying Squad" in Croatian. They formed in 1991 with Denis Dumančić.

Their serious music career group began in 1992, when it was discovered by Hussein Hasanefendić, known as Hus, a recognized and reputable author and leader of the Parni Valjak who along with Marijan Brkic-Brko stood behind the project and the ability to shoot and issuance of original songs by Denis Dumančić. The first inaugural album by Leteći Odred, titled "Među Zvijezdama" (Among the stars) was released in late 1992. Among the 10 or so highly acclaimed songs were "Neka Neveni ne venu" (Don't let marigold wither) and "Kao stari moj" (As my old man) that were well received by the audience and the media. In 1993, Leteći Odred performed at the first Croatian Eurovision i.e. "Crovizija" with the song "Cijeli je svijet zaljubljen" (The whole world is in love).


1994–1996: Beginnings

In late 1994, Leteći Odred released an album, titled "Kada Odletim" (When I fly away) issued by the label "Orfej". Some of notable songs were "Ja se budim" (I'm waking up) and "U mojoj glavi ima sudara" (There's crashes in my head) and the song "Heroji ne plaču" (Heroes don't cry) written by Miroslav Škoro, and performed in duet.

