Les Guthman

Les Guthman is an American director, writer and production executive, who has the distinction of both having produced three of the 20 Top Adventure Films of All Time, according to Men’s Journal magazine, and having won the National Academy of Science’s (U.S) nationwide competition to find the best new idea in science television, which led to his film, Three Nights at the Keck, hosted by actor John Lithgow.

He is currently producer, director and writer of the Advanced LIGO Longitudinal Documentary Project, a two-year documentary with Caltech and MIT in 4K digital video about the Advanced LIGO worldwide scientific collaboration, funded by the National Science Foundation, to make the first detection of gravity waves and usher in the new science of gravitational wave astronomy. In 2013-2014, he worked with New York Times executive editor Jill Abramson to create a science television series based on the newspaper's Science Times section.

For five years from 2008-2013, Guthman was involved in 3D production and research, while making two feature documentaries in HD, Skiing Everest and Saturn’s Embrace, along with building the XPLR Channel and brand for webcasting adventure, expedition, environmental and science documentaries in partnership with SnagFilms.com and on Amazon Video.

