Leontios (or Leontius) (Greek: Λεόντιος, Latin: Leontius Augustus) (died 15 February 706) was Byzantine emperor from 695 to 698. He came to power by overthrowing the Emperor Justinian II, but was overthrown in his turn by Tiberios III. His actual and official name was Leo (Λέων, Leōn), but he is known by the name used for him in Byzantine chronicles.
Leontios was born in Isauria. A professional soldier from an early age, he rose swiftly through the ranks and was appointed strategos (military governor) of the Anatolic theme during the reign of Emperor Constantine IV.
In 686 Leontios was chosen by Justinian II to lead the Byzantine army against the Arabs in Georgia and Armenia. Ruthless even by the standards of the day, Leontios carried the war further into Iranian Azerbaijan and Caucasian Albania. His successes eventually forced the negotiation of a treaty between Byzantium and the Arabic Caliph Abd al-Malik with substantial Arabic concessions and tributes to the Byzantine Emperor.
Stood by the moonlight
next to water Wishing for
something hoping for me
Last night I tugged at your
shirt But you walked away
crying for over And me for
under while nothing was
said Telling me lies on that
couch the day we met
Starlight star bright bring
me a dream tonight
Make her pretty make her
sweet Make her something
I can't keep This was a
glass case I was locked in
and it couldn't be broken
There's breath in you eyes
and music inside This is
the first time for the last